Events from Birmingham Business School

Andy Street event

Employee Ownership – A Better Way of Doing Business?

Thursday 3 April 2025 (17:30-19:30)
Alan Walters Main Lecture Theatre G03, University of Birmingham
Andy Street who guided John Lewis, Britain's biggest employee owned business, to become our the country's most trusted brand, will explore the role that its ownership structure played in its success.

Future Food Symposium

Wednesday 21 May (00:00) - Thursday 22 May 2025 (00:00)
We are delighted to announce that the sixth Future Food Symposium will be held at the University of Birmingham

Gretl Conference 2025

Thursday 19 June (09:30) - Friday 20 June 2025 (14:00)
Birmingham Business School (G03) University of Birmingham
The Gretl Conference offers an inspiring forum to reflect on the current state of the Gretl econometrics software

Previous Events


8th-10th December - Leadership in Dialogue: Exploring the Spaces between Ideas, Communities, Worldviews

5th December - Tackling the Poverty Premium in the UK: from defining the problem to creating change

21st November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture

21st November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture

19th November - Birmingham Economic Review

7th November - From Sci-Fi to Reality

28th October - Eco Explorers AI Empowered Green Adventures

28th October - Responsible Digital Sharing: Creating Digital Artefacts

25th October - Sustainable Finance Conference 2024

24th October - Immersive Worlds: Wellbeing and Escapism Through Gaming

23rd October - The Taylor Swift Phenomenon

11th September - Birmingham Business School Education Conference 2024

1st July - Dignity Not Debt: A Conversation with Chrystin Ondersma on Financial Insecurity

27th June - Labour market inequalities and workforce health and wellbeing

27th June - CHASM Annual Conference 2024

13th June - Decarbonising SMEs in the UK

5th-6th June - CCJP Annual conference 2024

4th June - How Colonial History Continues, with Professor Chandana Alawattage

7th May - A Proposed Methodology: Understanding the Later Life Financial Wellbeing of UK BME Groups

11th April - The 'History of the Present': indigenous management knowledge

10th April - Mayoral Tech Hustings: West Midlands

21st March - Book launch: The Hipster Economy and Researching Poverty and Austerity

5th March - Disseminating your research

27th February - Wealth sharing within couples who live together: a journey

22nd January - The Gender of Capital


13th-14th December - 1st Climate Change, Urban Challenges, Renewable Energy, and Extreme Events Conference (CRUEE)

23rd November - Decarbonising SMEs in the UK: Engaging to address Scope 3 emissions -Hybrid

21st November - A New Financial Resilience Framework

16th November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture

23rd October - Birmingham Economic Review 2023

3rd October - Migration, Culture and Family Financial Assistance with Home Ownership

27th September - 27 September 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Yana Petrova

20th June - CHASM Annual Conference 2023

15th-16th June - ECSR Network Workshop: Gender, Family and Wealth Inequalities

5th June - Local Economic Inequality and Household Borrowing in the UK

24th May - Fahad Saleh, Wake Forest University

22nd May - Longer Lives and Retirement Expectations: findings from Mercer's survey

17th May - With a Little Help From My Friends: From Teaching Associate to Teaching Professor

3rd May - Abdul Mohamed, University of Leeds

3rd May - 3 May 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Basit Zafar

27th April - Jinyu Liu, University of International Business and Economics

26th April - 26 April 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Benn Jann

24th April - How much tax do the rich really pay? Evidence from the UK

19th April - 19 April 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Oliver Linton

18th April - Reducing Financial Vulnerability within Birmingham's Muslim Community

29th March - Marie Dutordoir, Manchester Business School

23rd March - 23 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Deborah Gefang

22nd March - 22 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Laura Bakkensen

15th March - All Our Money

15th March - Kostas Koufopoulos, University of York

15th March - 15 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Jennifer Alix-Garcia

8th March - Tournament incentives and insider trading

8th March - 8 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Michael Weber

1st March - Umit Gurun, the University of Texas at Dallas.

1st March - 1 March 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Banu Demir Pakel

27th February - 27 February 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Nick Crafts

16th February - CANCELLED: The 10th Financial Inclusion Monitor report launch

15th February - Alok Kumar, Miami Herbert Business School

14th February - 14 February 2023 - Alan Walters Lecture: Maragarita Rubio

13th February - Calling the Shots: Financial Decision-Making in Domestic Migrant Households in India

1st February - Manish Gupta, Stockholm Business School

23rd January - Ukrainian Women Refugees' Financial Health and Use of Financial Services in Moldova and Romania


15th December - Exploring your career futures - a CHASM PGR & ECR Network Event

5th December - Reflections on Consumer Financial Insecurity, Risk-Taking and Resilience in Precarious Times

30th November - Björn Hagströmer, Stockholm Business School

21st November - Gender, Lifecourse and Pension Saving

16th November - Felix Irresberger, Durham University

9th November - How to fall in love with your local high street

9th November - Young Lives in the Spotlight: Poverty, Place & Belonging in Balsall Heath

8th November - All Our Money: How local authorities generate and spend money?

7th November - The School to Prison Pipeline: A UK Perspective

3rd November - David Solomon, Boston College

3rd November - Communities in Energy Transition Engaging with Net Zero in Birmingham

3rd November - GREADS Seminar: Esfandiar Maasoumi (Emory University)

3rd November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture

24th October - ONS Economic Forum - Birmingham

20th October - The Birmingham Economic Review 2022

19th October - Sonny Biswas, University of Bristol

12th October - The confluence of public and private benefits among low-wage workers in the US

4th October - Leading the Future by Creating it: the UK's Innovation Strategy as a Pathway to Levelling Up

28th September - Urgent Business: Getting on the pathway to reach the Global Goals by 2030

28th September - Kai Li, University of British Columbia

26th September - Leading the Future by Creating it: Delivering Inclusive Innovation

12th September - Buy-Now-Pay-Later Services and Food Insecurity Among Young Australians

29th June - Is it a crime to be poor?

23rd June - CHASM Annual Conference 2022

22nd June - Place-Based Innovation Policies in the Era of Grand Societal Challenges

9th June - Advancing understanding of well-being tourism, drawing upon the European biocultural heritage: Seminar 3

8th-9th June - CCJP Annual Conference

7th June - Debt, mobility and the pandemic: Migrants everyday lived experiences of precarity in Covid-UK

19th May - PGR & ECR Network Peer presentation and networking

17th May - From wellbeing to sustainability - housing, assets and household finance

11th May - Pension Decision Making in the New Retirement Landscape

10th May - Managing money and health during COVID-19: Financial diaries with individuals living on low incomes

5th May - Department of Management Seminar Programme 2021-2022

5th May - GREADS Seminar: Jesus Otero (Universidad del Rosario)

4th May - Chris Brook, University of Bristol

4th May - External Seminar: Barbara Rossi (University of Pompeu Fabra)

27th April - Lin Peng, Baruch College, New York City University

27th April - External Seminar: Betsey Stevenson (University of Michigan)

7th-8th April - Peter Sinclair Memorial Conference

5th April - POSTPONED!! Debt, mobility and the pandemic: Migrants' everyday lived experiences of precarity in Covid-UK

5th April - Peter Sinclair Townhall Lecture: Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)

30th March - External Seminar: Sangeeta Pratap (City University of New York)

29th March - Birmingham MBA Full-time Open Event

23rd March - Kevin Aretz, Manchester Business School

23rd March - External Seminar: Barbara Rossi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra / Barcelona School of Economics)

22nd March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Pedro Bordalo (Oxford University)

17th March - GREADS Seminar: Christopher Baum (Boston College)

16th March - GREADS Seminar: Lorenzo Trapani (University of Nottingham)

16th March - External Seminar: Rod Garrat (UC Santa Barbara)

15th March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Caroline Flammer (Boston University)

11th March - Implications of Responsible Research for International Business Scholarship and Practice

9th March - Chendi Zhang, University of Exeter

9th March - External Seminar: David Colander (Middlebury College)

8th March - Breaking the Bias: Women in Retail

2nd March - Arman Eshraghi, Cardiff University

2nd March - External Seminar: Mary Amiti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

1st March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Andreas Fuster (Swiss Finance Institute)

25th February - IDMODEL Project Concluding Conference

24th February - 2023 Doctoral Workshop

24th February - GREADS Seminar: Laetitia Lepetit (Université de Limoges)

23rd February - Thomas Chemmanur, Carroll School of Management, Boston College

23rd February - External Seminar: Wei Xiong (Princeton/Cambridge University)

17th February - GREADS Seminar: Tomas Del Barrio Castro (The University of the Balearic Islands)

16th February - External Seminar: Jacquelyn Pless (MIT)

15th February - Macro and Finance Seminar: Martin Ellison (Oxford University)

9th February - External Seminar: Anya Samek (UC San Diego)

8th February - CHASM PGR & ECR Network Launch

8th February - Macro and Finance Seminar: David Aikman (KCL)

8th February - The Financial Portfolios of Refugees, Migrants and Displaced People

3rd February - GREADS Seminar: Nicolas Van de Sijpe (University of Sheffield)

3rd February - TEDE Seminar: Thomas Sampson (LSE)

2nd February - External Seminar: Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po)

27th January - TEDE Seminar: Matthew Ives (Oxford University)

19th January - An entertaining approach: the effectiveness of a financial education curriculum developed around high-energy music videos

7th January - Alternative Accounts Europe (AAE) Conference 2022


15th December - Taiwan Birmingham Business School Event December 2021

15th December - External Seminar: Sevgi Yuksel (UC Santa Barbara)

8th December - Bin Xu, University of Leeds

8th December - External Seminar: Xiaojian Zhao (Monash University)

7th December - The Dissipation of Corporate Accountability: For-Profit Long-Term Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic

7th December - QS Virtual MBA Event - New Delhi

6th December - QS Virtual MBA Event - New Delhi

5th December - QS Virtual MBA Event – Mumbai

2nd December - GREADS Seminar: John Muellbauer (University of Oxford)

2nd December - TEDE Seminar: Jie Bai (Associated Editor: JDE)

1st December - ERiE Seminar: Martin Scheffel (University of Bonn)

1st December - External Seminar: Theresa Kuchler (New York University)

25th November - GREADS Seminar: Joakim Westerlund (Lund University)

25th November - TEDE Seminar: Sanchayan Banerjee (LSE)

25th November - Gender, feminism and identity: what makes you, you?

24th November - Studying the Financial Behaviour of People with Low-Income Using Results from the Canadian Financial Diaries research project

24th November - Constantinos Antoniou, University of Warwick

24th November - External Seminar: Robert Mendelsohn (Yale University)

24th November - Climate change and criminality

18th November - GREADS Seminar: Vasilis Sarafidis (BI Norwegian School of Economics)

18th November - TEDE Seminar: Ludovica Gazze (Warwick University)

18th November - Mindful of the Future: Can Political Mindfulness Help Us Build Back Better?

17th November - The Future Business District in a Changing City Centre

16th November - Sport for a new generation

13th November - QS Connect MBA - Indonesia

11th November - QS Connect MBA - Japan

10th November - WIRC Seminar: LGBTQ+ Parenting

10th November - Nancy R. Xu, Carroll School of Management, Boston College

10th November - External Seminar: Juan Dolado (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

9th November - Late Night Exchange: COP26

8th November - QS Virtual MBA Event - South Korea

6th November - QS Virtual MBA Event - Africa

4th November - Macro and Finance Seminar: Carola Binder (Haverford College)

4th November - TEDE Seminar: Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

4th November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture

4th November - In a world of "fast-fashion" is sustainable retail possible or desirable?

3rd November - External Seminar: Ruixue Jia (UC San Diego)

28th October - GREADS Seminar: Violeta Dalla (University of Athens)

27th October - External Seminar: Marta Serra-Garcia (UC San Diego)

20th October - Charlie X Cai, University of Liverpool

20th October - Peter Sinclair Townhall Lecture: Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics)

13th October - Furlough and Financial Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic

13th October - Maxwell Fry Lecture: Alec Chrystal (Bayes Business School)

12th October - Macro and Finance Seminar: Kenza Benhima (HEC-Lausanne)

5th October - External Seminar: Yueran Ma (Chicago Booth)

29th September - Financial resilience and its role in retirement saving: the case of Britain's younger half of the working age population

21st-23rd September - Responsible Business Symposium

20th July - Workshop on the Economic Response to Covid-19

20th-22nd July - Post BREXIT: Uncertainty, Risk Measurement and COVID-19 Challenges

1st July - Buy Now Pay Later Financial Products: a new generation of consumer credit?

24th June - WIRC-City REDI Webinar: Good Jobs in the Midlands after Covid

21st June - CHASM Open House

2nd June - Disability and Leadership: New Challenges – New Possibilities?

2nd June - External Seminar Series: Leonardo Melosi (Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago)

27th May - Financial Inclusion: critique and alternatives

27th May - GREADS Seminar Series: Markus Eberhardt (University of Nottingham)

27th May - QS Virtual MBA Event (London)

19th May - Decolonising the Business School curriculum

19th May - External Seminar Series: Nicolai Kuminoff (Arizona State University)

12th May - External Seminar Series: Robin Lumsdaine (American University, DC)

11th May - Macro and Finance Seminar: Matteo Iacoviello (US Federal Reserve Board)

5th May - Peter Sinclair Town Hall Lecture: Vernon Bogdanor (King's College London)

28th April - External Seminar Series: Jennifer Doleac (Texas A&M University)

27th April - Macro and Finance Seminar: Lemma Senbet (University of Maryland)

24th April - QS Virtual MBA Event (Mumbai)

21st April - External Seminar Series: Tatyana Deryugina (University of Illinois U-C)

20th April - Macro and Finance Seminar: Tony Cookson (University of Colorado, Boulder)

7th April - Access MBA Open Event (Ghana and Nigeria)

26th March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Alberto Cavallo (Havard Business School)

24th March - Peter Sinclair Town Hall: Rachel Griffith (IFS/ Uni of Manchester)

21st March - QS Virtual MBA Event (Indonesia)

18th March - The role of schools in SARS-CoV-2 transmission

13th March - QS Virtual MBA Event (London)

11th March - Firm-level Risk Exposures and Stock Returns in the Wake of COVID-19

10th March - External Seminar Series: Yuriy Gorodnichenko (UC - Berkeley)

9th March - Macro and Finance Seminar: Alminas Zaldokas (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

3rd March - External Seminar Series: Utku Unver (Boston College)

24th February - Who Benefits from 0% and exempt rates of VAT

24th February - Our Authentic Selves: Being LGBTQ+ in the Workplace

17th February - Peter Sinclair Town Hall: David Ramsden (Bank of England)

11th February - Empirical Framework with Repeated Games with Random States

9th February - Macro and Finance Seminar: Federico Di Pace (Bank of England)

2nd February - Macro and Finance Seminar: Liyan Hong (Boston College)

28th January - Changing faces of vulnerability – Post COVID-19

28th January - Birmingham Econometrics Research Group (BERG) Seminar: Shixuan Wang

27th January - Transport Infrastructure Improvements and Spatial Sorting: Evidence from Buenos Aires

26th January - Endogenous Growth with Employee Spinouts, Noncompetes and Creative Destruction

21st January - Birmingham Econometrics Research Group (BERG) Seminar: Jan Ditzen

21st January - Birmingham Executive MBA Open Event

21st-22nd January - Sustainable Financial Innovation Centre Annual Conference

19th January - A Trade Model of the Banking Sector

14th January - Birmingham Econometrics Research Group (BERG) Seminar: Ovidijus Stauskas


12th December - QS Connect MBA - Bangalore

9th December - CHASM Seminar: Managing Finances and Multiple Long-Term Conditions: The FinWell London Financial Diaries

9th December - Access MBA Online One-to-One Event

6th December - QS World MBA Tour: Mumbai

3rd December - What moves treasury yields?

1st December - CHASM Lunch and Learn: Making effective use of infographics Communicate your findings beyond academia and maximise the impact of your research

26th November - Taster Sessions in Big Data Management and Risk Management

26th November - Managing Employees Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Future of Work

26th November - Birmingham Executive MBA Open Event

25th November - Poverty in the EU using augmented measures of financial resources: the role of assets and debt

25th November - Birmingham MBA Full-time Open Event

24th November - Does mining fuel bubbles? An experimental study on cryptocurrency markets (with Marco Lambrecht and Yilong Xu)

17th November - Behavioural, Experimental & Data Science Network (BEADS) Seminar

14th November - QS World MBA Tour: Africa

13th November - Retail in a post COVID world: reflections and future directions

12th November - Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era

11th November - 'What does it mean to 'build back better' and how will we do it?' with Diane Coyle

11th November - Is it a Crime to be Poor?

9th November - Experiments for the Social good

7th November - QS World MBA Tour: Jakarta

4th November - The Grandkids Aren't Alright: The Intergenerational Effects of Pollution Exposure

21st October - UoB-UNESP Future of Manufacturing Webinar Series: Digital Transformation, Future Manufacturing and the IBM View

14th October - How to make the world add up: Tim Harford discusses the pitfalls and the cognitive tools we can use to think clearly about the economy.

7th October - Measuring trends and persistence in capital and labor misallocation

25th September - UoB-UNESP Future of Manufacturing Webinar Series: The Policy Challenges of Industry 4.0

22nd September - Compassionate employers, and the real living wage

17th July - Industrial Strategy Council: Understanding the policy-making processes behind local growth strategies in England: Live webinar

2nd July - CHASM Conference 2020: Financial Wellbeing: Risk and Reward in Contemporary Society

25th June - Leadership in crisis: What do we expect from leaders during the Covid-19 pandemic?

22nd-23rd June - Birmingham Business School and the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money Special Issue Conference: Developments in Financial Technology

19th-25th June - Homeworking during lockdown: what does it mean for inclusion and the future of work?

11th June - Workplace inequalities: Evidence and prospects for occupations and labour markets

10th June - CHASM Seminar: Health Shocks and Cash Holding of Households in Rural China - what can it tell us in light of COVID-19?

28th May - Work Responsibilities and Care Commitments during the Covid-19 Pandemic – Towards a new division of labour?

20th May - Behavioural, Experimental & Data Science Network (BEADS) Seminar

13th May - The nature of housing policy formulation - exploring the twin-myths of "the benevolent" and "the meddling" state using the case of Northern Ireland

7th May - QS World MBA Tour: Abuja

6th-27th May - Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group Seminar May

29th April - Trade, Environment, Development and Energy (TEDE) Research Group Seminar

19th March - Women and Work: Inclusion, Exclusion, and the Future

12th March - Manufacturing Reshoring in Advanced Economies: an open dialogue between International Business and Economic Geography

11th March - Microeconomics Research Seminar

4th March - Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group Seminar

12th February - Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group Seminar

6th February - Complexity, CEO Turnover and Firm Growth

29th January - Alan Walters Lecture: Supply-side Policies - A Reconsideration

23rd January - Work Inclusivity Research Centre Launch

22nd January - Trade, Environment, Development and Energy (TEDE) Research Seminar

21st January - Access MBA One-to-One Event

21st January - Access MBA One-to-One Event

15th January - CHASM Seminar: Understanding spending amongst marginalised female communities: the case of Māori women – lessons for the UK. POSTPONED

15th January - Sustainable Finance Distinguished Speakers Series: Professor Renée Adams

9th-10th January - Annual Strategy & International Business Symposium 2020

7th January - CHASM Seminar: Can 'behaviourally-informed' financial education improve financial behaviour and savings among low-income participants?


19th November - Exempt from Responsibility? Ending social injustice in the exempt accommodation sector

7th November - Subsidiary Decision Making Autonomy in Downstream Strategic Sales Activities

31st October - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture: Nick Jenkins

30th October - Maxwell Fry Global Finance Lecture 2019

25th October - Sustainable Future in the City: Student Competition

24th October - Birmingham Economic Review 2019

24th October - Private Equity and Its Role in Supporting the Internationalization of Chinese Companies

23rd October - Building the Technology Ecosystem to Innovate Financial and Professional Services in the West Midlands

22nd-25th October - The Urban Festival & The Art of Happiness in Cities Photographic Exhibition

21st October - Responsible Business Film Screening Series - The 34th: The Story of Marriage Equality in Ireland

16th October - Nudging financial literacy and behaviours among low self-control young adults: A randomized controlled trial

9th October - Work inclusivity Research Centre Workshop

17th September - Help to Save Anniversary Event

12th September - Responsible Business Academic Symposium

12th July - Shifting responsibilities: Homeownership and life-course transitions in a comparative perspective

25th-26th June - Birmingham Business School and the Journal of Corporate Finance Co-sponsored Conference: Developments in Alternative Finance

17th June - Financial Capability in Southeast Asia

14th June - Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing annual conference 2019

7th June - Responsible Research Methods Symposium

4th June - City Data Conference: Fixing the Foundations to Drive Radical Thinking

4th June - Tax Havens and Social/Environmental Sustainability Workshop

29th May - Global governance of the climate after the Paris Agreement - have we got it right this time?

28th May - Innovative Teaching for Responsible Business

23rd May - Irresponsible business.Corporate misbehavior among emerging market multinationals

16th May - Department of Strategy & International Business PhD Reading Group: Session Four

16th May - CANCELLED: Building communities of craft: Policy, practice and renewal

10th May - Department of Strategy & International Business PhD Reading Group: Session Three

8th May - Engaging International Students in our Teaching

2nd May - ReBA workshop series: Financial Intermediation

2nd May - Globalization of Chinese Enterprises. A Review of the Literature and Future Research Agenda

1st May - The Missing Billions: Measuring Top Incomes in the UK

1st May - Place matters: unlocking the growing global puzzle of inequality

11th April - Department of Strategy & International Business PhD Reading Group: Session Two

4th April - Department of Strategy & International Business PhD Reading Group: Session One

26th March - Batteries Included: The Birth, Life, Second-Life and Death of Electric Vehicles

26th March - City-REDI seminar series: Firm Innovation and Wage Inequality - Professor Maria Savona, University of Sussex

21st March - Credit Where It's Due: Rethinking Financial Citizenship

19th March - City-REDI seminar series: Re-interrogating cities through their temporalities: towards a (re) theorisation of temporary urbanisms - Dr Lauren Andres, University of Birmingham

18th March - Screening and discussion - 'Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room'

13th March - Beliefs about what spending means

12th March - City-REDI seminar series: Fostering regional diversification and transformation through public procurement - Dr Elvira Uyarra, University of Manchester

8th March - 'Lonely Pioneers': 100 Years of Women in Politics

7th March - Who Can Stand Up for Good Governance? How Received Respect enables Audit Committees to Avoid Earnings Management

6th March - Sustainable Finance Distinguished Speakers Series

5th March - International Women's Day #BALANCEFORBETTER

5th March - City-REDI seminar series: Assessing regional economic resilience for the implementation of local industrial strategies - Dr Marianne Sensier, University of Manchester

27th February - Problem Gambling: Tackling Gambling Related Harm Summit

27th February - Seminar Series 2018 to 2019

26th February - City-REDI Seminar Series: The Potential Regional Impact of Brexit in Ireland - Professor Edgar Morgenroth, Dublin City University

25th February - Who to trust? Forming policy beliefs in a polarised world

22nd February - The Economic Implications of Brexit on European Regions

21st February - Trade in Intangibles and a Global Value Chain-based View of International Trade and Global Imbalance

19th February - City-REDI Seminar Series: Recombinant Knowledge: Balancing Entropy and Relatedness in an Evolutionary Framework - Dr Dieter Kogler, University College Dublin

14th February - Market opportunities in the modest fashion industry

12th February - Is there a road from conference rejection to an award winning 4* publication?

12th February - City-REDI Seminar Series: The effectiveness of regional, national and EU support for innovation in the UK and Spain - Dr Bettina Becker, Aston University

11th February - The Future of Work and the Future of Unions

6th February - Early Internationalization Patterns and Export Market Persistence: The influence of human capital across sectors

29th January - City-REDI Seminar Series: Urban Development Planning, Financialisation, and Reflexive Calculation: Investors and Developers' Perceptions of London as an Investment Space - Professor Mike Raco, UCL

28th January - Alan Walters Lecture: Measuring Economic Progress in a Digital World

24th January - Future proofing our commitments – shaping the delivery of the West Midlands Local Industrial Strategy

22nd January - City-REDI Seminar Series

8th January - Annual Strategy & International Business Symposium


11th December - Hare-brained schemes and crackpot ideas – Why they are worth considering

5th December - Mini-Inaugural Lecture Series: Kelly Hall & Liza Jabbour

5th December - Couples' negotiating parental leave take-up in the UK: A sociological mixed methods study

27th November - Access MBA Fair: Bucharest

22nd November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture: Mike Barry

21st November - Mini-Inaugural Lecture Series: Sami Bensassi & Stephen Jeffares

7th November - Housing and wellbeing: what we know so far

7th November - The Future of the BPFS Sector

7th November - Invisible Rules: Social Mobility, Low Income and the Role of Further and Higher Education

7th November - Sex, Gender and the Politics of #MeToo Culture

31st October - Maxwell Fry Global Finance Lecture: Leaning Against the Wind

27th October - MBA QS MBA 121 event: Tokyo

25th October - MBA Panel: Tokyo

24th October - MBA taster lecture: Tokyo

18th October - 'Not The Normal Network' - Leaders and Storytellers

12th October - Birmingham Economic Review Launch 2018

2nd October - Overcoming the challenges of Brexit at local level

24th September - Understanding and mitigating the risks of Brexit at local level

13th September - Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business annual conference 2018

4th September - 27th Annual Tax Research Network Conference fringe event - Taxation and Social Policy

3rd September - QS World Grad School Tour - Mexico

3rd-5th September - 27th Annual Tax Research Network Conference

1st September - QS World MBA Tour in Mexico

17th July - Local Wealth Building Summit

9th July - Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing Annual Conference

3rd July-10th August - Exhibition: Careering Through Your Day

26th June - CHASM Annual Conference 2018

14th June - Join us in the conversation about making responsible leadership everyone's business

6th June - UK Emergency Collaboration Conference

6th June - Financial Resilience Four @ Four

21st May - Brexit North Summit

18th May - The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors: London Participatory Workshop

15th May - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Zhong Chen

12th May - QS World MBA Tour in Lagos

11th May - The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors: West Midlands Participatory Workshop

11th May - Brexit - West Midlands Participatory Workshop

4th May - The Economic Impacts of Brexit on the UK, its Regions, its Cities and its Sectors: Devolved Administrations Participatory Workshop

2nd May - Empowerment Inc.: Can corporations really 'empower' women, and do we even want them to?

24th March - QS World MBA Tour in Frankfurt

23rd March - Ethics and the Professionals poster exhibition

22nd March - 'Meet the Editors'- Early Career Researcher Event

20th March - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Muhammed-Shahid Ebrahim

10th March - Postgraduate Open Day

7th March - 'Including outsiders?' Trade union integration of immigrant workers in France and the UK

2nd March - Jess Phillips Keynote Address - Interpersonal Violence Conference

27th February - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Thorsten Beck

20th February - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Dimitris Petmezas

13th February - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - James L. Swofford

7th February - Department of Management Seminar Series: Professor Simona Iammarino

6th February - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Dirk Jenter

31st January - Human Resource professionals and the adoption of high performance work practices

25th January - Teaching responsible business

17th January - Dept of Management Seminar Series - Lisa De Propris & Dr Arianna Pittarello


12th December - Creating new sustainable business models

26th November - British Council Indonesia Business, Banking and Finance Fair

21st November - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Leonidas Barbopoulos

15th November - Researching diversity and inclusion: some findings and challenges

15th November - Access MBA One-to-one event

7th November - Brexit: the Road Ahead

30th October - More Giving or More Givers? The Effects of Tax Incentives on Charitable Donations in the UK

29th October - MBA Applicant and Alumni Event

28th October - QS Connect MBA event

27th October - MBA panel

26th October - Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business: Curry, Chat and Corporate Change 2018

24th October - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Konstantinos Stathopoulos

3rd October - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Marco Valente

26th September - Centre for Responsible Business Panel: 'Does Business Exist for the Good of Society?

5th September - loveUK - Drop in Session and 1-2-1's

2nd September - QS World MBA Tour in Mexico City

17th July - Interviewing Intoxicated Victims: New Evidence for Practice

6th July - Financial Literacy amongst young people – what does the latest data tell us and what more do we need to know?

4th July - Inheritance tax: what lessons can we learn from the Irish CAT system for our most disliked of taxes?

26th June - Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing showcase event

21st June - CHASM Annual Conference

12th June - Engagement, Influence and Impact with special reference to the Criminal Justice Sector

6th June - Social security, Work and disability in hard times: Developing research agendas with individuals and their families

30th May - A family affair: The transfer of wealth across generations

9th May - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Sudipto Dasgupta

22nd March - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Lisa De Propris

15th March - Distinguished Leaders Series: Laurence Hollingworth (J.P. Morgan)

8th March - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Ceren Ozgen

7th March - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Xin (Simba) Chang

1st March - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Riccardo Crescenzi

8th February - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Dani Arribas-Bel

7th February - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Peter Spencer

2nd February - CHASM Workshop: Financial Education for young people – what works?

25th January - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Rosa Sanchis-Guarner

24th January - AnalystFEST

24th January - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Bige Kahraman

19th-22nd January - Events in Hong Kong in January 2017

18th January - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Zhaoya Gong


7th December - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Neil Lee

7th December - The Official Opening of the Alan Walters Building

30th November - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Jean Jenkins

29th November - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Viet Dang

23rd November - GVC / City-REDI Seminar Series: Emmanouil Tranos

23rd November - Distinguished Leaders Series: Melanie Richards (KPMG)

16th November - GVC/City REDI Seminar Series: Juan Mateos-Garcia

7th-8th November - Inclusive Finance: Is this an illusion?

7th-11th November - Global Village Week

2nd November - Cities, Immigrant Diversity and Complex Problem Solving

1st November - Birmingham Economic Review 2016 Launch

1st November - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Henri Servaes

1st November - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture: António Horta-Osório

26th October - Maxwell Fry Global Finance Lecture: Professor David Miles

20th October - Unravelling the complexity of decision-making: the case of SME decisions to internationalize

4th October - City-REDI Fringe Event - DEVO Question Time: What will the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine do for you?

26th September - City-REDI Fringe Event - DEVO Question Time: What will Labour's Metro Mayors do for you?

23rd June - REF Impact Case Studies: 'Looking Back and Looking Forward'

10th June - Enhancing Rigour in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Business Studies

9th June - Carers Research Network Launch Event

8th June - Raise your Academic profile: How to contribute effectively to media channels

25th May - Workshop: Women in Academia

24th May - Habitus, doxa, and ethics: insights from advertising in emerging markets in the Middle East and North Africa, Consumption Markets & Culture

24th May - Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?

16th May - Strategic Decision-Making and Top Management Teams – Reconnecting the Separate Fields

21st April - Disability and Entrepreneurship

14th April - Migration and Entrepreneurship International Conference

5th April - Sociology in and of Birmingham: Studying and Celebrating Diversity

21st March - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Prof Marc Goergen

16th March - Management Research Seminar - Professor Photis Lysandrou

10th March - SME Success: Winning New Business

2nd March - Trade Union responses to the crisis: What options for solidarity?

22nd February - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Prof Arif Khurshed

19th January - Distinguished Leaders Series: Paul Szumilewicz and Lucy Williams (HSBC)


7th December - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Dr Liang Han

3rd December - The Birmingham Business School Advisory Board Guest Lecture

2nd December - Publishing Excellence Workshop - Academy of Marketing/ Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.

1st December - A Changing Career in Banking

30th November - A Dissection of Mutual Fund Fees, Flows, and Performance

23rd November - Dept of Finance Guest Seminar Series - Prof Mark Freeman

4th November - Distinguished Leaders Series: Lucy Baldwin

29th October - Careers in Marketing - Marketing Journey

28th October - Maxwell Fry Global Finance Lecture: Post Crisis Regulation: What Has Been Achieved and What Remains To Be Done?

17th October - Time to tame advertising?

17th September - West Midlands Powerhouse breakfast debate

17th September - Beyond Policy Silos: Regional Transformation, Growth and Competitiveness

2nd September - Explaining identification with relatively low-prestige collectives: A study of Nascar fans

22nd July - Urban regeneration through migration: empirical evidence and conceptual outline on the German case

25th-26th June - New Directions in Human Capital Theory

9th June - The 'Other' Entrepreneurs

20th May - Critical Entrepreneurship Studies

14th May - Eurostat Data Research Training

27th April - The Economics and Management of Flood Risk

27th April - The Contribution of Leaderful Practice To Leadership-as-Practice

20th April - What sort of leadership does Birmingham need to be a successful city?

25th-26th March - Financial Resilience Research Cluster launch event

24th March - Which investors drive the transition to a more sustainable electricity industry? - Evidence of investments in Swedish wind power

24th March - The demand for fuel and emission of pollutants: an empirical approach for the Brazilian fuel market and

17th March - Rural forests, urban fuels: A spatial analysis of charcoal demand and forest degradation, with implications for REDD

11th March - CoSS Essentials – Grant Capture

11th March - Distinguished Leaders Series: Stephen Collins

25th February - Non-Permanent Workers: An Increasing Constant in European Capitalisms?

24th February - The Automotive Industry: Investing in the Future

18th February - Distinguished Leaders Series: Billie Major

11th February - Evolutionary game-theoretic modelling of cyber-security, crime prevention, inspection and corruption

28th January - Distinguished Leaders Series: Xavier Broseta