Professor Agyenim Boateng
Agyenim Boateng is Professor of Finance and Head of Accounting & Finance, Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, UK. His research interests include cross-border investments and financing strategies of multinational firms, corporate governance, and sustainability. He has published over 100 book chapters, books, and articles in leading international Journals including: Journal of Corporate Finance; British Journal of Management; Corporate Governance: An International Review; European Journal of Finance; International Business Review; Small Business Economics; Accounting Forum, Journal of International Management etc. His research has received awards including Elsevier Best Paper Award, British Academy of Management Conference Best Paper, and Emerald Citations of Excellence. He was the Research Mentor of the Year 2022 Award, De Montfort University. He serves an Associate Editor of British Journal of Management, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, member of editorial board of Management International Review, and a Fellow of the Peer Review College, British Academy of Management.
Dr Raphaël Akamavi
Associate Professor in Marketing at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham (Russell Group University, ranked 14th out of 130 UK institutions, 80th in Best Global Universities in the World, 30th Best Universities in Europe, Triple-Crown Accreditation Business School) UK. His research interests focus on innovation, value co-creation, customer experience, travel & tourism industry performance, social capital, innovation performance, and FDI in Africa. He has produced various high quality and impactful publications in top tier outlets, editorial knowledge and on the editorial review board of Afro Eurasian Studies. He has delivered a workshop on Journey of writing and publishing a peer-reviewed article for ECRs in Indonesia (State University of Padang), and practical workshops for doctoral students and ECRs. He has been invited to give a keynote address at national and international levels. He has supervised numerous PhD theses to successful completions and acted as an external examiner for PhD examinations.
Professor Mark Saunders
Mark is Professor of Business Research Methods at the Birmingham University Business School, UK; and holds visiting professorships at the universities of Pretoria (Gordon Institute of Business Science, South Africa), Mälardalens (Sweden), Surrey and Worcester. He has been awarded fellowships of the Academy of Social Sciences, British Academy of Management and First International Network on Trust. Mark’s research interests include organisational trust, research methods, and SME success. He has co-authored and edited 30 books including Research Methods for Business Students and How to Keep Your Doctorate on Track. He has published over 150 research articles and book chapters; his work having been cited over 96,000 times. He publishes widely in journals such as British Journal of Management, Human Relations, International Small Business Journal and Work Employment and Society. He is a consulting editor for the International Journal of Management Reviews and associate editor (methodology) for the Human Resource Management Journal.
Professor Mawuli Kodjovi Couchoro
Mawuli Kodjovi Couchoro is Professor of Development Economics and currently Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Lomé. He is member of the scientific committee of the University of Lomé and the Catholic University of West Africa. He is also Director of the Money, Finance and Innovation Laboratory at the « Centre de Recherche en Économie Appliquée et Management Des Organisations (CREAMO). His research focuses on economic development, particular in financial inclusion, digital economy, inequality, poverty, institutional quality (corruption, political instability, etc.). Since 2016, I have been a member of the Executive Committee of the Network for Higher Education Excellence in West Africa (In French: Réseau pour l’Excellence de l’Enseignement Supérieur en Afrique de l’Ouest REESAO), He has published in international reference journals such as: International Economics, Telecommunications Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Strategic Change, African Development Review, Applied economics.
Professor Bob Conteh
rofessor in Rural Financial Intermediation and Vice-Chancellor and Principal of Central University, Sierra Leone. His Academic interests include but not limited to impact of finance on rural households, Banking regulation, Economics of Food security issues and finance. He has been a Central Banker for 27 years, 18 of which were spent in the Research Department. The rest were spent in the International Finance, Development Finance and Banking Departments. He rose to the positions of Deputy Director of Research, Director of International Finance and Director of Banking. He is currently the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of Central University. The foregoing indicates that I have acquired some administrative and research experience. He has published in peer reviewed journals such as Commonwealth of Learning, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, International Journal of Science and Research, Journal of Agricultural Science, International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research etc.
Professor Donna Chambers
Donna is Professor of Critical Cultural Studies at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. She is an interdisciplinary scholar, interested in how people and places are represented in cultural heritage tourism and leisure contexts, black feminist, postcolonial and decolonial theories, and critical methodologies. Before starting her teaching career in 2003, she spent five years working in the Ministry responsible for tourism in Jamaica. She is an Associate Editor of Annals of Tourism Research and served as a Managing Editor for Leisure Studies, where she is still on the Editorial Board. She is also on the editorial board for several other tourism journals and has reviewed hundreds of papers for many journals within tourism and the wider social sciences. She is on the review panel for UK Research and Innovation's (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellowships funding applications. Donna has published numerous journal articles, books, book chapters and been an invited keynote speaker at many national and international conferences.
Professor Rev. Adobea Yaa Owusu
Professor Rev. Adobea Yaa Owusu is Professor of Medical Sociology and Public Health with the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana. Her specialisations include health services research, monitoring and evaluation, and social and behavioural health theories. She specialises in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Her research concentrates on the social determinants of health, including HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, housing and health, health and development, and domestic/intimate partner violence. She has over 19 years of PhD-level teaching. She is a member of several Colleges and managerial boards of University of Ghana. She has consulted widely for both local and international organisations. Professor Owusu has presented papers at over 100 seminars/ workshops/conferences, supervised over 60 graduate students successfully, and published over 85 peer-reviewed book chapters and journal articles in high-impact journals. She is a reviewer of promotion for a number of Universities in Ghana, external examiner, and an Academic Editor for the PLOS ONE journal.
Dr Koffi Sodokin
Dr Koffi Sodokin is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management (FASEG), University of Lomé, Togo. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Burgundy, France. His research interests include finance, economic growth, poverty, and development economics. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Applied Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Cogent Economics & Finance, and African Development Review. Dr. SODOKIN has extensive consulting experience, having worked on projects for organizations like the World Bank, UNDP, and the Togolese government. He previously served as the Director of the Research and Training Center in Economics and Management (CERFEG) at the University of Lomé from 2007 to 2011. Dr. SODOKIN has provided advisory services to the Presidency of the Republic of Togo from 2011 to 2022.