Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing showcase event
- Location
- Alan Walters Building
- Dates
- Monday 26 June 2017 (09:30-17:30)
The Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing at the University of Birmingham would like to invite you to a one-day conference at the Edgbaston campus, Birmingham.
Confirmed topics include: mental health and offending, domestic violence, sexual offending, spatial analysis of crime, carceral geography, early intervention, prosecutors, serial offenders, solvability analysis, wellbeing of emergency services personnel, and extremism.
This event will be of interest to practitioners and academics working in the areas of crime, justice and policing, as well as stakeholders and policy-makers. Students of these topics are very welcome to attend too as this will present an excellent opportunity to network.
Please find below a list of presentations delivered at the event available to download:
- One Year Anniversary, Centre for Crime, Justice & Policing: Some non random thoughts
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay and Jesssica Woodhams (University of Birmingham)
- Queuing Up For Justice: Elections and Case Backlogs
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (University of Birmingham), Bryan C. McCannon (West Virginia University)
- Spatial Analysis of Crime
Wim Bernasco (NSCR & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- EPSRC Digital Economy
Jane Binner, Baseerit Nasa (Sheffield University), Maria Angela Ferrario, Will Simm, Jon Whittle (Lancaster University)
- Researching risk, abuse and violence in the context of health
Caroline Bradbury-Jones and Julie Taylor (University of Birmingham)
- Designing wellbeing: The therapeutic prison?
Dominique Moran (University of Birmingham)
- Academic-Police Partnerships: Evaluating THRIVE systems and mental health interventions
Emily Evans (University of Nottingham)
- Alcohol mediates the relationship between alcohol and reporting rape to the police
Heather D. Flowe (University of Birmingham)
- Neurodisability in the youth justice system: recognising and responding to the criminalisation of neurodevelopmental impairment
Nathan Hughes (University of Birmingham)
- Costly Rehabilitation and Deterrence
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (University of Birmingham) and Nigar Hashimzade (Durham University)
- Solvability - some remarks
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Anindya Banerjee and Tom Olphin (University of Birmingham)
- Detecting Deception by Detecting Breakthrough into Consciousness: a Brainwave Concealed Information Test based upon the Fringe-P3 Method
Howard Bowman (University of Kent)
- EBCD and vulnerable groups - using experiential insights as the basis for development
Michael Larkin (Aston University) and Shoshana Gander-Zaucker (University of Birmingham)
Brighter Futures Programme: Interim Findings from a Mixed Methods Analysis
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Jessica Woodhams, Aixa Garcia Ramos, Surinder Guru (University of Birmingham) and Louise Dixon (Victoria University of Wellington)