
RaeniSustainable Finance and Its Transformation 

Supervisors: Professor Ian Thomson and Dr Andreas Sundström

Email: XXR472@bham.ac.uk

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Research Overview

Emerging countries face a challenge in the development of energy, infrastructure, and other carbon-intensive projects in pursuing welfare for their citizens. At the same time, these countries are also vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Therefore, the development of low carbon industries, the Paris Agreement, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 have become a significant concern for various nations. In shifting financings away from the risk of climate risk, organisational fields, include public sectors and related institutions, play a pivotal role in transforming to sustainable development. However, the engagement of salient stakeholders faced a major challenge in maintaining accountability within the dynamics of different interests. In this notion, this research aims to investigate boundary objects in relation to knowledge and power within the dynamic in articulating sustainability issues within green finance projects. In translating commitment to embrace sustainable finance, this research will examine three main issues. Firstly, how organisation fields articulate sustainability issues within project finance operations. Secondly, it aims to study how the intersectional works develop the coherency of the identity across them. Lastly, it intends to address how the impacts of these processes on the accountability of the organisation fields on their social and environmental assessment. 


Research Interests

  • Interdisciplinary studies on translating sustainability issues within project finance
  • Accounting and organisational studies
  • Human behaviour in tax compliance
  • Climate change actions

Short Biography

Raeni has an interest not only in research but also in community services. Her passion for conducting research started when she did her bachelor’s degree and published some articles. Prior to becoming a PhD student, she worked as a lecturer at Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. In addition to teach some modules, she supported internationalisation project for undergraduate programme and conducted community services to promote climate change actions for school level, help local tourism and small business management and promote equality in education. Furthermore, she was selected to participate in seminar, workshop and students exchange within area of financial cooperation and education including in Malaysia, Japan, Finland, and China. Also, she was invited to be a guest speaker in various national TV Programme in Indonesia in a topic of promoting accessibility of education for low-income family. At present, she is one of ambassadors for campaigning English For Indonesian project of the British Embassy in Indonesia. Furthermore, she serves as a student representative for Birmingham Business School. As a PhD Scholar, she receives a fully funded scholarship from LPDP Ministry of Finance, Indonesia due to her academic quality, experiences, and contribution to community services. 


Conference papers

Presenter at Call for Paper the 1st Indonesia International Microfinance Forum, Indonesia (2017)

Presenter at 5th Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Malaysia (2017)

Presenter at CSEAR Italy Conference, University de Parma, Italy (2016)



Yanto, H., Hasan, I., Fam, S.F. and Raeni, R., 2017. Strengthening PROPER Implementation to Improve Transparency in Managing Carbon Emission among Indonesian Manufacturing Companies. International Journal of Business & Management Science7(2).

Raeni, R. and Sari, A., 2016. What are the Challenges in Designing An Effective Personal Income Tax System?. Economics and Finance in Indonesia62(1), pp.59-66.

Raeni, R. 2015. Mengayuh Asa Menggapai Mimpi. Solo: Metagraf Tiga Serangkai

Raeni, R., 2014. Pengaruh Prinsip Keadilan, Efisiensi, Transparansi, dan Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Keuangan Terhadap Produktivitas Smk. Economic Education Analysis Journal3(1).

Raeni, R. and Purnami, R.Y., 2013. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Akuntansi Berbasis Sak Ifrs Dan Self-efficacy Terhadap Kesiapan Mahasiswa Menjadi Guru Akuntansi. Dinamika Pendidikan8(1).