ESR4: Managing the impact of streambed interface zones on the carbon cycle at catchment scale
Research Fellow: Myrto Nikolakopoulou, Naturalea (Spain)
ESR4 will test the efficiency of bioengineered permeable reactive barriers (e.g. vegetated fibre and rock rolls) for their efficiency in ecosystem restoration and their enhancement of the auto-depurative properties of aquatic interfaces.
Tasks and methodology
To measure the efficiency of bioengineered permeable reactive barriers in enhancing the auto-depurative properties of aquatic interfaces, ESR4 will:
- Quantify in-situ C-respiration at bioengineered interfaces by Field-IRGA and conventional analytical methods based on carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium & smart tracers (Raz/Rru) as metabolic activity indicators (in collaboration with ESR 8)
- Evaluate organic matter properties at the artificial interfaces by high resolution fluorescence spectroscopy (UV/VIS- EEMs) in combination with HPLC and GC-MS.
- Albert Sorolla (Naturalea)
- Co-Supervisor: Francesc Sabater (University of Barcelona)
Video Introduction
Watch this short video of ESR4 Myrto Nikolakopoulou introducing herself and talking about her Interfaces project: