INTERFACES Project - Members Area
The documents and presentations in this area are accessible only to project members (partners and research fellows) only. Please click on a link below and enter your username and password to access a file.
If you have lost your username and password, or if you would like a document to be added, please email Vera Kubenz (
- Core grant agreement (PDF - 226KB)
- Annex I (PDF - 1.05MB)
- Annex II (PDF - 155KB)
- Annex III (PDF - 176KB)
Recruitment and Training
- Interview recruitment record template (Word - 322KB)
- DoC instructions (Word - 17KB)
- ITNA template (Word - 444KB)
- CDP template (Word - 99KB)
Contact list
- Partner contact list (Excel - 1KB)
- Research fellows contact list (Excel - 13KB)
Management meeting minutes
- Minutes - Kick-off Meeting 14 Nov 2013 (Word - 347KB)
- Minutes - ATC1 Management Meeting 8-9 May 2014 (Word - 32KB)
- Minutes - ATC2 Management Meeting 7 Nov 2014 (Word - 34KB)
- Minutes - Vienna Management meeting 17 April 2015 (Word - 33KB)
- Minutes - ATC6 Management meeting 7 September (Word - 28KB)
Presentations and course materials
ATC1 Supra-disciplinary Research (7th - 8th May 2014)
- Hannah, David - How can supra-disciplinarity succeed? (PDF - 1.23MB)
- Kubenz, Vera - Introduction to ITNA and CDP (Powerpoint - 298KB)
- Pinay, Gilles - How can supra-disciplinarity succeed? (PDF - 4.41MB)
Summer School (30th June - 4th July 2014)
- Baker, Michelle - Advanced biogeochemical sampling (Powerpoint - 14.79MB)
- Fleckenstein, Jan - Simulation of groundwater-surface exchange fluxes – basic concepts and techniques (PDF - 16.10MB)
- Grimm, Nancy - Scaling students (Powerpoint - 130KB)
- Haggerty, Roy - The Resazurin tracer (Powerpoint - 19.84MB)
- Hren, Matjaz - QPCR (Powerpoint - 5.99MB)
- Lewandowski, Joerg and Schmidt, Christian - Biogeochemical sampling (Powerpoint - 19.9MB)
- Lewandowski, Joerg - Heat-pulse sensor (1.98MB)
- Mant, Jenny - Delivering multiple benefits through strategic river restoration (Powerpoint - 6.00MB)
- Mant, Jenny - Restoring Rivers for people and wildlife (Powerpoint - 3.97MB)
- Marti, Eugenia, Grimm, Nancy and Haggerty, Roy - Hotspots and hot moments of increased activity (Powerpoint - 9.18MB)
- Pfister, Laurent and Wetzel, Carlos - Proxies of hydrological connectivity the use of terrestrial diatoms as tracers in the water cycle (Powerpoint - 46.15MB)
- Pinay, Gilles and Grimm, Nancy - Ecohydrological interfaces, processes and scales (Powerpoint - 32.14MB)
- Sabater, Francesc - Interface biodiversity and reactivity (Powerpoint - 46.15MB)
- Sorolla, Albert - Impact, stakeholder interests, commercialization (PDF - 71.75MB)
- Tank, Jennifer - Streams and rivers ecosystem function and services (Powerpoint - 7.30MB)
- Tockner, Klement - Welcome at IGB (Powerpoint - 4.69MB)
- Turk, Valentina and Hren, Matjaz - Microbes, microbiological methods and biofilm (PDF - 31.24MB)
- Watts, Glenn - Communicating research to non-academics (PDF - 425KB)
- Watts, Glenn and Mant, Jenny - Ecohydrological interfaces and the regulation of the water environment (PDF - 454KB)
- Wetzel, Carlos - Proxies of hydrological connectivity the use of terrestrial diatoms as tracers in the water cycle (Powerpoint - 121.89MB)
ATC4 Coupled Stream-Groundwater Modeling (28-29 January 2016)
- ATCs 4 & 8 programme (Word - 77KB)
- Introduction to GW-SW interactions (PDF - 8.34MB)
- Block A MODFLOW GW Tutorial (PDF - 3.40MB)
- Block B MODFLOW SFR Tutorial (PDF - 8.32MB)
ATC8 Communications for stakeholders (25-26 January 2016)
Course introduction:
- ATCs 4 & 8 programme (Word - 77KB)
- Learning Log presentation (Powerpoint - 326KB)
- Communicating Science for Stakeholders presentation - Glenn Watts (Powerpoint - 2.79MB)
Writing and submitting scientific papers:
- Lousy Submission example - WRR Editorial Team (PDF - 117KB)
- Wiley presentation part 1- How to write your paper (PDF - 503KB)
- Wiley presentation part 2 - Choosing the right journal (PDF - 484KB)
- Wiley presentation part 3 - Ethics (PDF - 538KB)
- Wiley presentation part 4 - Peer Review (PDF - 572KB)
- Rejection of rejection - BMJ feature (PDF - 479KB)
- Plagiarism Presentation (Powerpoint - 538KB)
- Reviewer exercise (Word - 52KB)
- Interdisciplinarity presentation (Powerpoint - 332KB)
- Reflections on Interdisciplinarity questionnaire (Word 43KB)
Presentation skills
- Presentation Skills presentation (Word - 77KB)
- Creating a Memorable Poster Presentation - Jay Zarnetske (PDF - 165KB)
Conference presentations by Interfaces fellows
- Balasubramanian, Mukundh - Poster presentation qPCR & NGS - 23-27 March 2015 (PDF - 889KB)
Mid-Term Review meeting (8 September 2015)
- Coordinator's report presentation (Powerpoint - 3.62MB)
- EU Project Officer presentation on financial issues (PDF - 693KB)
- EU PO presentation for research fellows (Powerpoint - 297KB)
- MTR Notes from Meeting 8 September (Word - 43KB)
Interfaces Library and Publications
Reference library
- Library with papers relevant to Interfaces - XML file for important into Endnote/other reference management software (Zip file - 1KB)
Outreach and Dissemination spreadsheets