Podcasts and Videos
Our fellows have produced short videos introducing themselves and their projects. All videos can be accessed through the YouTube playlist below:
Below are some photos from our training events and other Interfaces-related activities. Click on any of the photos for a larger version.
ER3 Mukundh Balasubramanian at Experimental Biology conference in San Diego, April 2016
Photos are ©Mukundh Balasubramanian

ESR9 Viktor Baranov's photos, February 2016
Photos by VIktor Baranov from various secondments and project activities. Hover over each image to see a more detailed description.

AGU Conference San Francisco, December 2015
Below are some photos of Interfaces researchers and their poster presentations at the AGU 2015 Conference in San Francisco.
All photos are ©Karlie McDonald

Fieldwork in Plymouth, UK, October 2015
The photos below were taken during ESR9 Viktor Baranov's secondment at the University of Birmingham, which involved fieldwork in collaboration with the Plymouth Marine Lab on the research vessel "Plymouth Quest".
All photos are ©Dr Ana Queiros and ©Viktor Baranov

Mid-Term Review Advanced Training Course 6 at NIB, Slovenia, September 2015
The below photos are from the Interfaces Mid-Term Review and Advanced Training Course 6 on Qualitative and Quantitative Molecular Techniques, which took place on 8-10 September 2015. Click on any of the photos for a larger version.

Advanced Training Course in Catalonia, June 2015
The project's longest ATC took place over 9 days at the sites of our Catalonian partners, including the brand new, state-of-the-art Urban River Lab. The Interfaces researchers also collaborated with scientist from the Leverhulme Trust-funded project "Where Rivers, Groundwater and Disciplines Meet: A Hyporheic Research Network".
Photos below ©Amaia Marruedo

Photos below ©Karlie McDonald

Fieldwork in Slovenia, February 2015
All photos were taken by Karlie McDonald (ER2) in February 2015, while on fieldwork during a secondment to NIB in Slovenia. Click on any of the pictures to view a larger version.
©Karlie McDonald

Interfaces Summer School July 2014
These photos were taken at the Summer School held at IGB in Berlin, Germany, from 30 June to 4 July 2014. Click on any of the pictures to view a larger version.
All photos are ©Joerg Lewandowski from IGB.