Researchers in the INTERFACES project

Research Fellows

The primary purpose of INTERFACES as an Initial Training Network is to develop young researchers to be outstanding supra-disciplinary scientists. We have 11 Early Stage Researchers (studying for PhDs) and 4 Experienced Researchers (post-docs) within the project.

Early Stage Researchers

AmaiaESR1 Amaia Marruedo

Country of origin: Spain

Host institution: Leibnitz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany (Supervisors: Joerg Lewandowski, Gunnar Nuetzmann)

Project: Airborne and ground-based up-scaling of findings on groundwater-surface water interactions at aquifer-lake and aquifer-stream interfaces


Marta-AntonelliESR2 Marta Antonelli

Country of origin: Italy

Host institution: CRP - Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg (Supervisor: Laurent Pfister)

Project: Detection of the onset/cessation of hydrological connectivity in the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum via Thermal IR imagery and terres-trial diatom tracing


Tanja-BrandtESR3 Tanja Brandt

Country of origin: Germany


Host institution: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Germany (Supervisors: Christian Schmidt, Jan Fleckenstein)


Project: Further developing optical sensing techniques to analyse spatially con-tinuous oxygen distribution at the water-sediment interface



Myrto-NikolakopoulouESR4 Myrto Nikolakopoulou

Country of origin: Greece


Host institution: Naturalea, Spain (Supervisor: Albert Sorolla)


Project: Managing the impact of streambed interface zones on the carbon cycle at catchment scale



Kyle-Boodoo2ESR5 Kyle Boodoo

Country of origin: Trinidad and Tobago


Host institution: University of Vienna, Austria (Supervisor: Tom Battin)


Project: Effects of hydrogeomorphology and temperature on carbon cycling in stream gravel bars




Jose-2ESR6 José Gonçalves

Country of origin: Portugal


Host institution: National Institute of Biology, Slovenia (Supervisors: Valentina Turk, Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutierrez)


Project: Development of methods for detection of viruses in aquatic environments and their interactions with bacteria in biofilms



Astrid-HarjungESR7 Astrid Harjung

Country of origin: Austria


Host institution: University of Barcelona, Spain (Supervisor: Francesc Sabater)


Project: Developing methodologies/strategies to monitor the effects of hydrological extremes (droughts and floods) on biogeochemical cycling at terrestrial-aquatic interfaces



TimVaessenESR8 Tim Vaessen

Country of origin: Netherlands


Host institution: Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain (Supervisor: Eugenia Marti)


Project: Development of methods to estimate rates, controlling factors and mechanisms of N cycling processes at different reactive interfaces



Viktor-BaranovESR9 Viktor Baranov

Country of origin: Ukraine


Host institution: Leibnitz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany (Supervisors: Joerg Lewandowski, Gunnar Nuetzmann)


Project: Hot spots of turnover along ventilated burrows of macrozoobenthos



Paul-RomeijnESR10 Paul Romeijn

Country of origin: Netherlands


Host institution: University of Birmingham, UK (Supervisors: Stefan Krause, David Hannah, Mike Rivett)


Project: Aquifer-surface water interfaces as hotspots for interconnected carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas production



Tamara-KolbeESR11 Tamara Kolbe

Country of origin: Germany


Host institution: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France (Supervisor: Gilles Pinay)


Project: Quantifying the cumulative effects of nitrogen buffering hotspots at the catchment scale



 Experienced Researchers

Francesco-CioccaER1 Francesco Ciocca

Country of origin:Italy


Host institution: Silixa, UK (Supervisors: Michael Mondanos, Athena Chalari)


Project: FO-DTS and FO-iDAS for distributed heat and acoustic tracing



 Karlie-McDonaldER2 Karlie McDonald

Country of origin: Australia


Host institution: University of Birmingham, UK (Supervisors: Stefan Krause, David Hannah, Mike Rivett)


Project: Integrated modeling for up-scaling bio-reactivity at interface hotspots



Mukundh-BalasubramanianER3 Mukundh Balasubramanian

Country of origin: India


Host institution: BioSistemika, Slovenia (Supervisor: Matjaz Hren)


Project: Developing and testing new molecular techniques to evaluate the microbial interactions based on application of real-time PCR methods



Ben-AbbottER4 Ben Abbott

Country of origin: USA


Host institution: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France (Supervisor: Gilles Pinay)


Project: The potential of integrated sensor and tracing technologies for identifying large scale impacts of ecohydrological interfaces