There are 15 sub-projects within the INTERFACES ITN. Please click on any of the below to find out more about the individual projects.
ESR1: Airborne and ground-based up-scaling of findings on groundwater-surface water interactions at aquifer-lake and aquifer-stream interfaces
ESR2: Detection of the onset/cessation of hydrological connectivity in the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum via Thermal IR imagery and terres-trial diatom tracing
ESR3: Further developing optical sensing techniques to analyse spatially con-tinuous oxygen distribution at the water-sediment interface
ESR4: Managing the impact of streambed interface zones on the carbon cycle at catchment scale
ESR5: Effects of hydrogeomorphology and temperature on carbon cycling in stream gravel bars
ESR6: Development of methods for detection of viruses in aquatic environments and their interactions with bacteria in biofilms
ESR7: Developing methodologies/strategies to monitor the effects of hydrological extremes (droughts and floods) on biogeochemical cycling at terrestrial-aquatic interfaces
ESR8: Development of methods to estimate rates, controlling factors and mechanisms of N cycling processes at different reactive interfaces
ESR9: Hot spots of turnover along ventilated burrows of macrozoobenthos
ESR10: Aquifer-surface water interfaces as hotspots for interconnected carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas production
ESR11: Quantifying the cumulative effects of nitrogen buffering hotspots at the catchment scale
ER1: FO-DTS and FO-iDAS for distributed heat and acoustic tracing
ER2: Integrated modeling for up-scaling bio-reactivity at interface hotspots
ER3: Developing and testing new molecular techniques to evaluate the microbial interactions based on application of real-time PCR methods
ER4: The potential of integrated sensor and tracing technologies for identifying large scale impacts of ecohydrological interfaces
Nancy Grimm (associated partner at Arizona State University) has produced the following graph showing space-time overlap of the researchers' projects: