Leon Ford

Centre for Doctoral Training Doctoral Researcher

Leon Ford


University of Loughborough
LE11 3TU
United Kingdom



Lead Supervisor

Research Summary

Leon Ford joined the CDT in Fuel Cells and their Fuels in July 2017. Prior to this, he graduated from the University of Nottingham with an MSci in Physics with Theoretical Physics.

The aim of his current research is to use computational modelling techniques to investigate materials for solid oxide fuel cells. 

He is funded through the EPSRC CDT  in Fuel Cells and their fuels: EP/L015749/1.


MSci: Physics with Theoretical Physics, University of Nottingham, 2016.


Leon graduated with his MSci degree in 2016. Throughout his degree he studied a wide variety of subjects within physics, including thermodynamics, solid state physics, cosmology and quantum field theory. His Master’s project was a highly computational and mathematical project titled ‘Duality in Physics’.


Leon’s current area of research focuses on computational modelling of SOFC materials. Specifically, the project focuses on the role of structural disorder in perovskite materials and how this affects the transport properties. The objective is to understand the chemistry of these materials and use this atomic-level understanding to design improved fuel cell materials.

Other activities

Leon is a keen guitarist and song writer, with experience teaching guitar during his time at the University of Nottingham. He also enjoys playing table tennis and badminton, as well as nature walks and hiking.
