These are projects currently recruiting or in follow up at BCTU. Follow the links for more information:
- ABA-Feed - Assets-based feeding help Before and After birth for improving breastfeeding initiation and continuation. A multicentre randomised controlled trial with internal pilot
- CaPE - Calcium Supplementation for Prevention of Pre-Eclampsia in High Risk Women
- C-Stitch - Cerclage suture type for an Insufficient cervix and its effect on health outcomes trial: a randomised controlled trial of monofilament versus braided sutures for insufficient cervix.
- CSTITCH2 - Emergency cervical cerclage to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth: a randomised controlled trial.
- E-MOTIVE - Early detection of Postpartum Haemorrhage and treatment using the WHO MOTIVE 'first response' bundle: a cluster randomised trial with health economic analysis and mixed methods evaluation.
- GBS2 - Accuracy of a rapid intrapartum test for maternal group B streptococcal colonisation and its potential to reduce antibiotic usage in mothers with risk factors.
- Giant PANDA - Pregnancy ANtihypertensive Drugs: which Agent is best? In women with pregnancy hypertension, what is the effect of a treatment strategy with nifedipine versus labetalol on severe maternal hypertension and a composite of fetal or neonatal death, or neonatal unit admissions?
- HOLDS - High Or Low Dose Syntocinon for delay in labour.
- iHOLDS - High Or Low Dose Syntocinon for induction of labour.
- LAVA - LAparoscopic Versus Abdominal hysterectomy (LAVA) trial.
- LOCI - Letrozole or Clomifene, with or without metformin, for ovulation induction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a 2x2 factorial design randomised trial.
- PRE-EMPT - Preventing Recurrence of Endometriosis by Means of long acting Progestogen Therapy.
- ROCKeTS - Refining Ovarian Cancer Test Accuracy Scores: A test accuracy study to validate new risk scores in women with symptoms of suspected ovarian cancer.
- ROTATE - A randomised controlled trial looking at manual versus instrumental rotation of the fetal head in malposition at birth.
- SEE U - Surgical Evacuation with intraopErative Ultrasound: a pilot trial to assess feasibility.
- TABLET - Randomised controlled trial of the efficacy and mechanism of levothyroxine treatment on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in women with thyroid antibodies.
- UCON - Ulipristal acetate versus conventional management of heavy menstrual bleeding.
- WILL - When to Induce Labour to Limit risk in pregnancy hypertension - a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.
- Safe and Effective Medicines for Use in Pregnancy: A Call to Action - A call to stakeholders to come together to examine the evidence, discuss the opportunities, and to co-create solutions.
- Tocolytics for delaying preterm birth: a network meta analysis.