C-STICH2: Emergency Cervical Cerclage to Prevent Miscarriage and Preterm Birth - a Randomised Controlled Trial
Main Trial Features
- A randomised controlled, multicentre trial (RCT) with an internal pilot, a nested qualitative process evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis.
- Funded by the NIHR HTA (16/151/01)
- Chief Investigator Professor Katie Morris
- Coordinated by Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU)
- Sponsored by Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust
- Pilot phase started recruitment in January 2019.
- Main phase started recruitment 1st May 2021.
- C-stich2 aims to determine if an emergency cervical cerclage (ECC) reduces pregnancy loss in women who present with cervical dilatation and exposed unruptured, fetal membranes between 16+0 and 27+6 weeks
How to screen or randomise a patient