Language, culture and education

Round empty chalk board speech bubbles on colored papersThis theme describes research that considers the relationship between language, culture(s) and law, broadly understood, and the development and embedding of legal systems through legal education.

Including: legal meaning(s); legal translation; law and philosophy of language; forensic linguistics; law, language and politics; feminist legal language; legal culture(s) and systems; institutional cultures and their impact on development of law; practice and theory of legal education. 

Our research has played a significant role in shaping: standards and methods of legal education and training; government guidelines on legal translations across Europe; and sought to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in both the legal profession and the law. Our flagship Centre for Employability Professional Legal Education and Research (CEPLER) confronts key challenges for the legal profession and legal education, and also provides BLS students with opportunities to enhance their skills, employability, and serve the local community. 

In addition to our school-wide Research Seminar Series, researchers and post-graduate students can get involved with this theme through the Law and Language Research Group, and through the CEPLER Re-imagining Law series. The Law, Language and Legal Education theme presents a selection of research at the BLS Annual Conference.

Theme leads


  • Anthony Arnull - multilingual adjudication
  • Sophie Boyron - comparative law and translation
  • Gavin Byrne - philosophy of language and jargon of Nazism
  • Aleksandra Cavoski - legal translation in EU accession states
  • Sean Coyle - word choice in natural law
  • Chen Zhu - semiotic analysis of trademarks and brands
  • Paul McConnell - employability, professional skills, legal profession
  • Sylvie Delacroix -  computer systems for the legal profession and justice system
  • Robert Lee -  environmental advocacy
  • Theresa Lynch - comparative studies of the legal profession
  • Julian Lonbay - training lawyers, international practice
  • Linden Thomas -  clinical legal education, streetlaw, public legal education
  • Lisa Webley - empirical legal studies, gender and the legal professions


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