Dr Julian Lonbay studied for his law degree in Scotland at Dundee University and undertook his doctoral studies in Fiesole at the European University Institute. He has been based at Birmingham Law School since 1979. Julian was a Professeur Invité at the Faculty of Law and Economic Science in the University of Limoges in France between 1981-2009, a visiting professor at the Law School of the University of Indiana, in Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 1985-1987 and was the Commerzbank Visiting Professor of Law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany in 2003. He has lectured and given papers at universities in London, Stockholm, Wuhan, Maastricht, Brussels, Leuven, San Francisco, New York, Washington DC, Saint Louis, Strasbourg, Warsaw, Ankara, Seville, Valencia, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Kuala Lumpur and in many other countries.