Partner organisations

Partner organisations who have submitted an expression of interest to support a CENTRE-UB fellowship application. 


Name of Organisation

Forest Research

Contact person

Jen Clements

Contact email

Area(s) of interest


Plant health, forest disturbance and tree/woodland management behaviours among the public or practitioners




Name of Organisation

Cowry Consulting

Contact person

Ruth Canagarajah

Contact email

Area(s) of interest

- New methodologies in Natural Language Processing and Social Network Analysis as applied to complex, adaptive public sector challenges such as crime, corruption, gender-based violence

- Applying behavioural science to the public sector

- Building up ML and experimental platforms for larger deployable tests 



Name of Organisation

Gordon Moody

Contact person

Dr Rosalind Baker-Frampton

Contact email

Area(s) of interest

Gambling; gambling harm; gambling harm treatment; women and harmful gambling; menstrual cycle and its effects on gambling harm; adverse childhood events and gambling harm




Name of Organisation

National Police Chief Council

Contact person

Dr Fazeelat Duran and/or Sarah-Jayne Bray

Contact email   /

Area(s) of interest

Dr Duran and Professor Woodhams' research has uncovered that secondary investigators and analysts, who are indirectly exposed to distressing experiences of others as part of their daily roles, are susceptible to developing psychological distress (Duran et al., 2022; 2023; 2024). Previously, infographics and videos were developed to raise awareness about mental health concerns.

Collaborating with our academic colleagues at the University of Birmingham, we have identified the necessity of creating a training programme aimed at enhancing the mental health and well-being of our investigators. Consequently, we are seeking a research fellow who is interested and willing to collaborate in planning a 12-month fellowship.



Name of Organisation

National Police Chief Council

Contact person

Carolyn Lovell

Contact email

Area(s) of interest

-  Women in the CJS and Women who offend

- Nature and prevalence of online VAWG particularly emerging threats such as impact of generative AI

- Relationship between online and offline VAWG and extent of overlap with perpetrators/victims

- Whether digital evidence can mitigate some of the challenges of reliance on victim testimony in VAWG cases?

- Effectiveness of non-CJ interventions in reducing revictimization in VAWG (particularly DA and stalking & harassment)

Also please see our ARI via



Name of Organisation


Contact person

Hannah State-Davey

Contact email

Area(s) of interest

Behavioural Analytics: This area of research would focus on evaluating Behavioural Analytic (BA) solutions for enhanced understanding of human characteristics and behaviour to understand the benefits and challenges associated with implementation of BA solutions; contribute to the advancement of BA research and developments by identifying areas for improvement; and exploring new applications of solutions and technology developed by QinetiQ. This will include supporting stakeholder engagement to prioritise use cases to solve defence and security operational challenges, collecting stakeholder feedback; and defining a roadmap for further development and integration of BA solutions. 

Influence: This area of research would focus on an experimental programme of work to better understand the social (e.g. peer influence) and psychological factors (e.g. demographic factors) that affect individual-level susceptibility and resistance to online influence, such as disinformation. Specifically, the research would explore susceptibility / resistance to newer and subtler forms of influence such as via doctored images and deep fakes in comparison to more explicit methods (e.g. text-based messaging). There is also a need to identify effective counter-influence approaches to new forms of influence attempts, such as subsequent corrections provided. The objective is to identify measurable indicators of susceptibility / resilience to online influence attempts and effective counter-strategies to better understand how to support people in being more resilient to them. 



Name of Organisation

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

Contact person

Anna Sallis

Contact email

Area(s) of interest

The Health Improvement Directorate would very interested in hosting a 1 year fellow. Our policy areas include tobacco control and stop smoking services including vaping, reducing the harmful use of alcohol and gambling related harms, improving diets and reducing overweight and obesity and improving recovery from drug addiction. The candidate would be welcome to work in multiple policy areas or just one, we are happy to flex according to their interests and expertise.

Another potential opportunity exists in screening - TBC.