CETL-MSOR Conference

The first CETL-MSOR (Continuing Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research) conference took place in 2006 at Loughborough University. It was organised by sigma in collaboration with the Higher Education Academy’s MSOR Network.

Since then, the conference has taken place annually, most recently hosted by Cardiff University in September 2014.  The conference is now firmly established as the UK’s key event for the scholarship of learning and teaching of mathematics, statistics and operational research in higher education.

The aim of the conference is to promote, explore and disseminate emerging good practice and research findings in mathematics and statistics support, teaching, learning and assessment.  It also provides delegates with an opportunity to share their experiences and meet colleagues from across the UK as well as further afield. 


CETL-MSOR Conference 2015, University of Greenwich

The CETL-MSOR Conference 2015 will be held on Tuesday, 8th and Wednesday, 9th September 2015 at the University of Greenwich.

Titled “Sustaining Excellence”, the conference will explore ways in which learning and teaching in MSOR is meeting this challenge whilst navigating the ever changing higher education landscape.

The principal themes of the conference will be:

  • Large lectures: a thing of the past?
  • Flipped classrooms and other innovations: are they practical? Affordable?
  • Teaching mathematics and statistics in other disciplines
  • Assessment and feedback
  • The impact of changes in pre-University mathematics qualifications
  • Preparing students for careers and a lifetime of learning
  • Developments in mathematics and statistics support.

Interesting contributions from other areas of learning and teaching of MSOR will also be welcomed. The call for abstracts is now open and colleagues can submit an abstract for a 20 minute presentation, a 60 minute workshop or a poster. Abstracts should be submitted via the following link: CETL-MSOR 2015 abstracts (Google Form).

The deadline for submission is Friday 5th June 2015 and notification of acceptance will be provided on Friday 10th July 2014.

We are delighted to announce our confirmed keynote speakers, Professor Les Ebdon (Director of Fair Access to Higher Education, the Office for Fair Access (OFFA)) and Professor John MacInnes (Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean Quantitative Methods, University of Edinburgh). As with previous years, we also intend to have a student-led keynote session.

Further information, including delegate registration, is available from the sigma network website.

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CETL MSOR Conference 2014, Cardiff University

The STEM Education Centre is pleased to continue its association with this Conference which took place on 8th and 9th September 2014 at Cardiff University.

The conference was organised by the sigma Network for Excellence in Mathematics and Statistics Support, with support from the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the University of Birmingham’s STEM Education Centre, the MSOR Discipline of the Higher Education Academy, and Cardiff University who generously hosted the event.

The Conference entitled "Mathematics and Statistics Teaching, Learning and Support: Real, Virtual, Mobile" was attended by 106 delegates representing 50 institutions and organisations.

It explored how technological advances and the new ways of utilising it for example, MOOCs, mobile apps, flipped classrooms have shaped learning, teaching and support in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (MSOR) in Higher Education. 

Keynote Speakers

The keynote speakers were:

  •  Professor Dame Celia Hoyles, Institute of Education, London - Beyond pedagogy content knowledge: retrofitting heutagogy to mathematics
  •  Dr Colin Jones, University of Tasmania - The potential and challenges for mathematics teaching & learning in the digital age
  •  Professor Paul Harper, Cardiff University - – Maths saves lives!

In addition, in response to positive delegate feedback from last year’s conference, a plenary session led by students who have recently completed internship projects at University of Bath, Nottingham Trent University and Sheffield Hallam University proved again to be a highlight of the event.

The Conference Programme together with available abstracts and presentations can be accessed from the sigma network website.


CETL MSOR Conference 2013, Coventry University

The STEM Education Centre was pleased to support the CETL MSOR Conference which took place at Coventry University on 10th and 11 September 2013.

Thcetl-msor-conference-200px-2013e Conference, attended by over 85 practitioners from across the country, contained a full programme with sessions exploring e-assessment, support for students in mathematical sciences and other disciplines, and innovative approaches to teaching. Keynote speakers included representatives from the University: Michael Grove (Director, STEM Education Centre) and Chris Sangwin (formerly the School of Mathematics).

In addition, a plenary session session presented by students from the University of Birmingham (working as part of the Mathematics Support Centre), Cardiff and Loughborough Universities who had recently completed internship projects, proved to be a highlight of the event and demonstrated the impact and benefit of student led projects and activities.

At the conference it was announced that the sigma network, established through the National HE STEM Programme, has received additional funding from the Higher Education Funding Council to continue its activities for a further three years.

The Conference Programme together with available abstracts and presentations can be accessed from the sigma network website.

A selection of the delegate feedback received following the Conference is set out below:-

Excellent, as usual. I look forward to this Conference as a place to meet colleagues most closely aligned with my field.

It was my first experience being part of and presenting at a conference - really enjoyed it and would love to be involved again next year too!

It was a very inspiring experience. It was great to meet so many colleagues at such an interesting, welcoming event.

Overall, delighted to be back, got so many ideas.

Very enjoyable conference - refreshing to have the focus on student learning. Especially liked the undergraduate researchers' presentations.

Will be back next year :-).