The University of Birmingham hosted this year’s Association of Science Education Annual Conference which took place from 8th to 11th January 2014. This is one of the largest science education continuing professional development events regularly attended by approximately 2,000 science educators and 150 exhibitors from all phases of science education.
The STEM Education Centre scheduled a series of 24 ‘Frontier Science’ lectures which formed a key strand of the Conference. It featured colleagues from the Colleges of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, and Medical and Dental Sciences who provided a series of lectures and presentations on cutting edge developments within, or applications of, university-level disciplinary research.
Available presentations from the event are set out below:
- Getting to the root of the problem:using maths to feed the world
Dr Rosemary Dyson, School of Mathematics
- Fighting Disease with Maths
Dr Sara Jabbari, School of Mathematics
- Examining the Performance of Urban Interventions in the Far Future
Professor Chris Rogers, School of Civil Engineering
- How Round is Your Circle?
Dr Chris Sangwin, Loughborough University (formerly School of Mathematics)
- 100 million to 1: What can Maths tell us about the Great Sperm Race?
Dr Dave Smith, School of Mathematics
- Getting small blood cells through small gaps: What could go wrong?
Professor Gerard Nash, School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
- Stress is bad, Exercise is good: Are the effects on immunological health really that simple?
Dr Victoria Burns, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
- Air in the Age of the City
Professor Rob Mackenzie, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences