Mrs Parbir Kaur Jagpal BEM, MRPharmS, IPresc, FHEA, MSc, BPharm

Parbir Jagpal

School of Pharmacy
Director of Postgraduate Studies
Programme Director - Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing
Associate Professor Clinical Pharmacy and Prescribing

Contact details

Institute of Clinical Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Parbir is the Director of Postgraduate Studies and a member of the executive team at the School of Pharmacy.  She joined the pharmacy team in 2013 as an Academic Practitioner (Pharmaceutical Practice & Prescribing) developing the Pharmacy Programmes within the College of Medical and Dental Sciences.   She is Programme Director of the Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing, leading the development and ongoing management of the programme.

Parbir teaches Pharmacy Practice across all four years of the M Pharm course in addition to facilitating primary care placements in GP surgeries.

She is an affiliate of ‘The Centre for Health and Social Care Leadership’ where her role is to support, challenge and inspire the Centre’s vision, activities and impact.  The affiliate network acts as a community of practice for leadership within health and social care providing opportunities for discussion and collaborative working.

Parbir has a personal and professional interest in equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) issues and works at school, college and university level.  She is member of the REF2021 equality, diversity advisory panel, the BAME Attainment Gap Task and Finish Group and is working on the university equality change programme.  In the 2020 Queens’ birthday honour’s list Parbir received the British Empire Medal for services to diversity and inclusion in health.

Parbir is an Independent Prescriber in Primary Care with considerable experience since qualifying in 2007.  She is enthusiastic about promoting evidence-based practice and has a specific interest in the management of cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. 

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  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2020
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2015
  • Professional Certificate in Educating Healthcare Professionals, 2015
  • Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing, 2007
  • Practice Certificate in Supplementary Prescribing, 2007
  • MSc Community Clinical Pharmacy, 1999
  • Postgraduate Diploma - Community Clinical Pharmacy, 1997
  • MRPharm S, 1992
  • B Pharm (1st class honours) 1991


Parbir Jagpal gained a B Pharm (1st class Hons) from The School of Pharmacy, University of London in 1991 and completed her pre-registration training with Boots the Chemists. She spent most of her community pharmacy years managing a health centre pharmacy, where she developed good working practices with local GP surgeries and other healthcare professionals. Parbir was involved in clinical training of Pharmacists and was a pre-registration tutor.

In 2000 she started working as a Practice Pharmacist providing medicines management support to GP surgeries in Walsall. In 2002 Parbir moved to Dudley Health Authority and continued to develop the role of the Practice Pharmacist.

She qualified as an Independent Prescriber in 2007 from Keele University and now works in two GP practices providing a range of medicines management services. These include medication review clinics, medicines optimisation, support for QIPP (quality, innovation, productivity, prevention), clinical governance and risk management.

Parbir has been actively involved in community health initiatives and has lead the development of local clinical guidelines. She has provided mentoring and support for Pharmacy undergraduates and Pharmacists working towards Independent Prescriber status.

She joined the University of Birmingham in April 2013 as part of the team developing the Pharmacy programmes. She uses her experience in community pharmacy and primary care to link learning and development to Clinical Pharmacy Practice.


Postgraduate supervision

Parbir’s areas of research interest are:

  • Medicines optimisation
  • Barriers to access and uptake of medicines-related services in communities
  • Epidemiology of multiple drug allergy syndrome (MDAS) and multiple drug Intolerance syndrome (MDIS)
  • Developing the role of the Non-Medical Prescriber across healthcare sectors
  • Inter-professional learning, development and practice


Research interests

Parbir is interested in medicines optimisation and barriers to use of medicines-related services in different communities.

She works collaboratively across healthcare sectors, professionals and organisations to develop the role of the Non-Medical Prescriber with regards to improving patient outcomes.

 Current projects

  • Investigating the epidemiology of multiple drug allergy syndrome (MDAS) and multiple drug Intolerance syndrome (MDIS), reviewing the impact on patient care and service delivery.
  • Developing pharmacy and prescribing related healthcare services for persons experiencing homelessness

Other activities

  • Peer reviewer for National Institute for Healthcare Research (NIHR) applications for research funding grants
  • Reviewer for Oxford University Press texts.
  • Outreach, widening participation and mentoring programmes


Recent publications


McPherson, A, Paudyal, V, Lowrie, R, Heath, H, Moir, J, Allen, N, Barnes, N, Hill, H, Araf, A, Lombard, C, Ross, S, Tearne, S, Jagpal, P, Cheed, V, Akhtar, S, Provan, G, Williamson, A & Mair, FS 2024, 'Patient and Public Involvement in Research Evaluating Integrated Care for People Experiencing Homelessness: Findings From the PHOENIx Community Pharmacy Pilot Randomised‐Controlled Trial', Health Expectations, vol. 27, no. 5, e70070.

Paudyal, V, Lowrie, R, Mair, FS, Middleton, L, Cheed, V, Hislop, J, Williamson, A, Barnes, N, Jolly, K, Saunders, K, Allen, N, Jagpal, P, Provan, G, Ross, S, Hunter, C, Tearne, S, McPherson, A, Heath, H, Lombard, C, Araf, A, Dixon, E, Hatch, A, Moir, J & Akhtar, S 2023, 'Protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial to evaluate integrated support from pharmacist independent prescriber and third sector worker for people experiencing homelessness: the PHOENIx community pharmacy study', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 29.

Richard-Jones, L, Patel, P, Jagpal, P, Lowrie, R, Saunders, K, Burwood, S, Shrestha, S & Paudyal, V 2023, 'Provision of drug and alcohol services amidst COVID‑19 pandemic: a qualitative evaluation on the experiences of service providers', International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

Jagpal, P, Marriott, J, Thirumala Krishna, M & Alshareef, S 2022, 'Characterization, epidemiology and risk factors of multiple drug allergy syndrome and multiple drug intolerance syndrome: a systematic review', Clinical and Translational Immunology, vol. 12, no. 8, e12190.

Kaur, S, Jagpal, P & Paudyal, V 2021, 'Provision of services to persons experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study on the perspectives of homelessness service providers', Health and Social Care in the Community.

Kaushal, R, Jagpal, P, Khanal, S, Vohra, N, Lowrie, R, Johal, J, Jenkins, D, Saunders, K & Paudyal, V 2021, 'Representation of persons experiencing homelessness and coding of homelessness in general practices: descriptive evaluation using healthcare utilisation data', BJGP Open, vol. 5, no. 4, BJGPO.2021.0050, pp. 1-9.

Jagpal, P, Saunders, K, Plahe, G, Russell, S, Barnes, N, Lowrie, R & Paudyal, V 2020, 'Research priorities in healthcare of persons experiencing homelessness: outcomes of a national multi-disciplinary stakeholder discussion in the United Kingdom', International Journal for Equity in Health, vol. 19, no. 1, 86.

Jagpal, P, Barnes, N, Lowrie, R, Banerjee, A & Paudyal, V 2019, 'Clinical pharmacy intervention for persons experiencing homelessness: evaluation of patient perspectives in service design and development', Pharmacy, vol. 7, no. 4, 153.


Alqahtani, A, Jagpal, P, Kudagammana, T, Vedanthan, PK, Krishnamurthy, K, Hariharan, S, El Shabrawy, RM, Maharaj, S, Marriott, J & Thirumala Krishna, M 2023, 'Drug allergy management in Egypt, Sri Lanka and the Caribbean: A qualitative study', Clinical and Experimental Allergy , pp. 1-3.

Review article

Ramasawmy, M, Poole, L, Thorlu-Bangura, Z, Chauhan, A, Murali, M, Jagpal, P, Bijral, M, Prashar, J, G-Medhin, A, Murray, E, Stevenson, F, Blandford, A, Potts, HWW, Khunti, K, Hanif, W, Gill, P, Sajid, M, Patel, K, Sood, H, Bhala, N, Modha, S, Mistry, M, Patel, V, Ali, SN, Ala, A & Banerjee, A 2022, 'Frameworks for implementation, uptake, and use of cardiometabolic disease--related digital health interventions in ethnic minority populations: scoping review', JMIR Cardio, vol. 6, no. 2, e37360.

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