During attendance at the University you will undertake key lectures, small group work, workshops and problem based learning. Core clinical assessment skills will be developed as part of the course study days including consultation and examination skills. Role-play scenarios including the use of expert patient actors will facilitate the development of effective communication and clinical skills.
The virtual learning environment CANVAS will support directed and independent learning. You will use the web-based SCRIPT e-learning programme. This comprises of 51 modules designed to improve prescribing competency and is developed in partnership with Health Education England – West Midlands and OCB media. 24 of these modules are mandatory. SCRIPT offers a range of modules including Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Dosing and Calculations and modules related to specific therapeutic areas.
You will develop the knowledge required to support your clinical decision making and prescribing practice. You will prepare for and reflect upon the key learning within the University and undertake the full range of portfolio activity to evidence your achievement of learning outcomes and prescribing competencies.
During the period of supervised learning in practice you will develop your prescribing competencies and evidence achievement of learning outcomes.
You will require an identified Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) to supervise the minimum 12 days (90 hours) learning in practice.
Nominated DPPs must be a registered medical or non-medical practitioner who must fulfil the following eligibility criteria, which underpin the competencies within the 'A Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioner' (RPS 2019) , and should be met by all DPPs:
1. Regulatory requirements:
- Any prescriber taking on the DPP role must be registered with their professional regulator.
- All Non-Medical Practitioners undertaking the DPP role should have the necessary annotation for a prescriber as required by their regulator.
2. Prescribing competency framework requirements:
Suitability of the role will be determined at the application stage. DPPs must be fit to undertake the role and must have experience of teaching and supporting students within the clinical area.
January Cohort Dates
21/1/25 Induction Day
28/1/25 Module 1 Study Day 1
4/2/25 Module 1 Study Day 2
11/2/25 Module 1 Study Day 3
4/3/25 Module 1 Study Day 4
25/3/25 Module 1 Case based Discussion Presentations
15/4/25 Module 1 Exam Day
6/5/25 Module 2 Study Day 1
13/5/25 Module 2 Study Day 2
20/5/25 Module 2 Study Day 3
27/5/25 Module 2 Study Day 4
24/6/25 Module 2 Exam Day - OSCE
Assessment Methods
Module 1:
- Case presentation
- Written pharmacology-based assessment
- Calculations Examination (must pass at 100%)
Module 2:
- Three station OSCE
- Significant event analysis with clinical management plan
Module 3:
- Structured reflective portfolio
- Satisfactory completion of 90 hours supervised learning in practice, validated and signed off by DPP
- Completion of 24 mandatory SCRIPT modules