Dyslexia Awareness Part 1: About Dyslexia
‘Dyslexic? Doing a Doctorate? No way’!: Supervising the PhD journey of the student with dyslexia’
Academic Articles: Dyslexia and Higher Education
- Murphy, Keith (2023) "The [DIS] Advantage of Studying Higher Education (HE) with Dyslexia," Journal of Franco-Irish Studies. 7:1
- Welton, K., (2023). Dyslexia in higher education: enhancing student belonging and overcoming barriers to achievement through communities of practice. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (26).
- Tops, W., Jansen, D., Ceulemans, E., Petry, K., Hilton, N.H. and Baeyens, D., (2023). Participation problems and effective accommodations in students with dyslexia in higher education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 38(3), pp.317-333.
- Jackman, J, S. (2022) From dyslexia to Doctorate: My Personal Journey. Literacy Practice and Research.
- Jacobs, L., Parke, A., Ziegler, F., Chris, H., and De Angeli, A. (2022). Learning at school through to university: the educational experiences of students with dyslexia at one UK higher education institution. Disability & Society.
- Tops, W., Dorien, J., Ceulemans, E., Petry, K., Haug Hilton, N., and Baeyens, D. (2022). Participation problems and effective accommodations in students with dyslexia in higher education. European Journal of Special Needs Education.
- Dobson Waters, S., Torgerson, C. J. (2021). Dyslexia in higher education; a systematic review of interventions used to promote learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education.
- Schabmann, A., Eichert, H-C., Schmidt, B, N., Hennes, A-K., and Ramacher-Faasen, N. (2020). Knowledge, awareness of problems, and support: university instructors' perspectives on dyslexia in higher education. European Journal of Special Needs Education.
- Stoeber, J., and Rountree, M. (2020). Perfectionism, self-stigma, and coping in students with dyslexia: The central role of perfectionistic self-presentation. Dyslexia.
- Sumner, E., Crane, L., Hill, E. (2019). Examining academic confidence and study support needs for university students with dyslexia and/or developmental coordination disorder. Dyslexia.
- Dobson, S. (2019). A documentary analysis of the support services offered to adult learners with dyslexia in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education.
- Ryder, D., and Norwich, B. (2019). UK higher education lecturers' perspectives of dyslexia, dyslexic students and related disability provision. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs.
- Livingston, E, M., Siegel, L., & Ribary U. (2018). Developmental Dyslexia: emotional impact and consequences. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties
- Crouch, A. T. (2018). Perceptions of the possible impact of dyslexia on nursing and midwifery students and of the coping strategies they develop and/or use to help them cope in clinical practice. Nurse Education in Practice.
- Stagg, S., Eaton, E., and Sjoblom, A. (2018). Self-efficacy un undergraduate students with dyslexia: a mixed methods investigation. British Journal of Special Education.
- Wiseheart, R., and Altmann, L. (2018). Spoken sentence production in college students with dyslexia: working memory and vocabulary effects. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
- Eide, B.L and Eide, F.F (2023) The Dyslexic Advantage (Revised and Updated): Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain. Plume Books
- Abbott-Jones, A.T. (2021). Dyslexia in Higher Education: Anxiety and Coping Skills. Cambridge University Press.
- Shaywitz, S. (2020) Overcoming Dyslexia. Sheldon Press
- Wolf, M. (2008) Proust and the Squid: The story and Science of the Reading Brain. Icon Books Ltd
- Farmer, M., Riddick, B. and Sterling, C., (2002). Dyslexia and inclusion: assessment and support in higher education. Taylor & Francis, Inc., Taylor and Francis, Books Customer Services for North America, 10650 Toebben Dr., Independence, KY 41051.