
Below are some resources relating to disability, inclusion and special needs which you may find useful.

Understanding Neurodivergence and Neurodiversity

A collection of useful resources and links to information on neurodivergence, neurodiversity and universal design for learning, for staff and students. 

neurodivergence logo

The ReFab logo on a dark blue backgroundReFaB (Research on Foster Care in Bulgaria) Project

The ReFaB (Research on Foster Care in Bulgaria) project is a research impact project funded by an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Postdoctoral Innovation Fellowship. The project aims to provide evidence-based resources for experts, policy-makers, social workers and foster parents to contribute to the development of foster care for children with disabilities.

Outputs from this project  include:

  • Easy-to-read infographics
  • An accessible findings video
  • A podcast episode on the topic of care for children with disabilities in Bulgaria
  • A recorded webinar, and
  • An animation about the role of foster families in caring for children separated from parental care.
  • These resources have been co-created with a range of specialists involved with foster care at research, practice and policy-level.

Autism and the importance of attention webinar - 2 November 2020

The hidden voices of PMLD
Resources from the Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER)
Resources from the Vision Impairment Centre for Teaching and Learning