Finance, economics and trade policy

Finance, economics and trade policies are a major focus for the University and for policy makers. These researchers are actively engaging with the policy process and would welcome further engagement from policy makers. 

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Professor Anthony Arnull

Professor Anthony Arnull

Emeritus Professor of European Law

Anthony Arnull specialises in the law of the European Union. He worked at the European Court of Justice from 1989-92 and was Head of Birmingham Law School between 2006 and 2009. He was Acting Head of the College of Arts & Law at Birmingham from April to August 2015. Professor Arnull is the author of The General Principles of EEC Law and the Individual (Leicester University Press, 1990); The ...


Professor John Bryson

Professor John Bryson

Chair in Enterprise and Economic Geography

Professor John Bryson is Chair in Enterprise and Economic Geography at Birmingham Business School. John's research is motivated by a desire to understand and explain the complex ways in which production is organized through space and in place and via a variety of forms of enterprise.

+44 (0)121 414 5549

Dr Tom Cutterham

Dr Tom Cutterham

Senior Lecturer in United States History

Tom Cutterham is a historian of Revolutionary America and the late eighteenth-century Atlantic world. He teaches the history of North America from the first English colonisations to the end of the nineteenth century, including courses on women in the American Revolution and the meaning of freedom in American history. Following his first book, Gentlemen Revolutionaries: Power and Justice in the ...

0121 414 5747

Professor Tony Dobbins

Professor Tony Dobbins

Professor of Work and Employment Relations
Department Director of Research

Tony is Professor of Work and Employment Relations at Birmingham Business School. He is part of the Organisation, Work and Employment (OWE) group in the Department of Management. He joined Birmingham Business School in May 2018, from Bangor University. Tony has over twenty years of employment relations experience as an academic, researcher, and journalist in the UK and Republic of Ireland, ...

+44 (0) 121 414 7702

Professor Rilka Dragneva-Lewers

Professor Rilka Dragneva-Lewers

Professor of International Legal Studies
Associate Dean of Birmingham Law School

Rilka Dragneva-Lewers is Professor of International Legal Studies at Birmingham Law School. She works on regional integration, EU external policy, legal reform and international diffusion of norms with a special reference to Eastern Europe. Her recent publications focus on Eurasian economic integration and its overlaps with EU initiatives in the post-Soviet region. Rilka’s work has strong ...

0121 414 3146

Robert Elliott

Robert Elliott

Professor of Economics
Director of Research - Department of Economics

Professor Robert Elliott is an applied economist who works at the intersection of international economics, development economics, environmental and energy economics and international business. He has a particular interest in the Chinese economy, firm behaviour, natural disasters and the impact of globalisation on the environment.

He is an editor for the Sustainable Future Policy Lab, ...

+44 (0) 121 414 7700

Professor Nelson Enonchong

Professor Nelson Enonchong

Barber Professor of Law
Deputy Dean of Birmingham Law School

Professor Enonchong is the author of three major practitioner works in the field of banking and commercial law. He has advised in a number of complex international commercial disputes and has acted as an arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations

+44 (0)121 414 6283

John Fender

John Fender

Emeritus Professor

John Fender has been at the University of Birmingham since 1992 and was Professor of Macroeconomics between 1998 and 2021. Since February 2021 he has been an Emeritus Professor. He is an active researcher and supervises postgraduate students. He published a monograph on Austerity in September 2020.

View John Fender's CV (PDF)


Dr Matteo Fuoli

Dr Matteo Fuoli

Associate Professor of Corpus-based Discourse Analysis

My work combines corpus linguistic and experimental methods with discourse analysis to study the linguistic factors at the heart of important societal issues such as trust, polarization and climate change.

+44 (0) 121 415 8346

Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite

Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite

Associate Professor
Deputy Director of Research (Impact), School of Social Policy and Society
Birmingham Fellow

Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. She is also the Deputy Director of Research (Impact), School of Social Policy and Society.

Kayleigh’s research interests focus on poverty and inequality, social security, and stigma, specifically investigating charitable food provision and food insecurity. Her work is strongly ...

+44 (0)121 414 5717

Professor Anne Green

Professor Anne Green

Professor of Regional Economic Development

After completing an undergraduate degree in geography, Anne has spent nearly all of her career conducting applied research of relevance to academia and policy in research centres/ institutes in the higher education sector.

She started her career at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) in Newcastle. Apart from a short stint at the Department for City and Regional Planning ...

+44 (0)121 414 9666

Dr Simon Jackson

Dr Simon Jackson

Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History

I am an historian of colonial empire with a special focus on the Middle East and the Mediterranean in the twentieth century.

I work on the discourse and politics of economic development in the French League of Nations Mandate in Syria and Lebanon, on the history of Fordism in the post-Ottoman Middle East, and on the global history of colonial commodities and natural resources.

For full details ...

+44 (0)121 41 48113

Dr Helle Jørgensen

Dr Helle Jørgensen

Lecturer in Cultural Heritage Studies

An anthropologist by education, I enjoy doing interdisciplinary research. My main interest is the production of heritage in post/colonial contexts and the associated politics of history, social memory and development, including local as well as transnational relations and practices, from heritage management to tourism and the social lives of the people living near designated heritage sites.


Dr Maureen Mapp

Dr Maureen Mapp

Associate Professor
Deputy Head of Education (Exams and Senior Tutor)

Dr Maureen Mapp is a lawyer whose research and teaching interests are in public law and private law particularly how to bridge the normative gap between law and non-state ethno cultural norms.  In this regard, Maureen has provided technical expertise to the Commonwealth Secretariat on adoption of cryptocurrencies and their impact on agricultural based economies. In collaboration with UNAFRI, ...

+4 (0)121 414 2886

Professor Karen McAuliffe

Professor Karen McAuliffe

Professor in Law and Language
Birmingham Fellow

Professor McAuliffe’s principal area of research focuses on the relationship between law, language and translation in the EU legal order.  By clarifying the ways in which language plays a key role in determining judicial outcomes at the EU level, she challenges EU scholarship to look beyond more conventional approaches to the development of a rule of law that draw on law alone.  ...

0121 414 7269

Dr Claire McIvor

Dr Claire McIvor

Honorary Associate Professor

Dr Claire McIvor is a tort lawyer whose main research interests are: (i) liability for the acts of others (both vicarious and non-vicarious); (ii) public authority liability in negligence (particularly police liability), and more recently, (iii) legal applications of Epidemiology.


Dr Louise Overton

Dr Louise Overton

Associate Professor in Social Policy
Director of the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM)

Louise is an Associate Professor in Social Policy and Director of the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM). Her research interests focus on older people and personal finance (and personal finance-related issues), including financial security, financial advice, and the regulation of consumer financial services.

Louise’s research is strongly empirical, but against a ...

+44(0)121 415 1066

Professor Lorraine Talbot

Professor Lorraine Talbot

Professor of Company Law and Company Law in Context

Professor Talbot approaches company law and corporate governance from a law in context position, with particular emphasis the corporation as a social, economic, cultural, moral and aesthetic phenomenon, and the dehumanising consequences of an identity which is distinct from the living actors. Her current research is concerned with two distinct areas; one, the ...

0121 414 3631

Professor Martin Trybus

Professor Martin Trybus

Professor of European Law and Policy
Director, Institute of European Law
Associate Dean of Birmingham Law School

The research of Martin Trybus aims to make a contribution to the understanding and development of the Law of the European Union, especially its economic and constitutional aspects, to establish ‘European Union Defence and Security Law’ as a separate legal subject, and to contribute to the understanding and development of European Union Public Procurement Law.


+44 (0)121 414 6330

Dr Ben Warwick

Dr Ben Warwick

Reader in Human Rights Law
Head of Planning and Strategy

Dr Ben Warwick’s research explores how economic factors affect human rights (and especially socio-economic rights). He is interested in the ways that laws and the institutions that enforce them change under such pressures. He is a specialist in international human rights, the United Nations human rights bodies, and human rights in various crisis contexts.

Ben is a lead quality assessor on ...

0121 414 6233

Professor Karen Yeung

Professor Karen Yeung

Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Informatics

Karen Yeung joined Birmingham Law School and the University of Birmingham’s School of Computer Science as Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Informatics in January 2018. Her research has been at the forefront of understanding the challenges associated with the regulation and governance of emerging technologies.  Over the course of more than 25 ...

+44 (0) 121 414 6298

Dr Chen Zhu

Dr Chen Zhu

Associate Professor

Dr Chen Zhu is committed to teaching and researching intellectual property (especially copyright) and informational jurisprudence.  He is also an advocate of free and open-source software (FOSS) for legal pedagogy and research. 

0121 414 8564