Innovation Evidence Review

“Innovation policies are increasingly 'shifting away from top-down and centralised approaches towards policies that favour cooperative, multi-actor and often more 'place-based' approaches”. 

This evidence review synthesises key research and policy questions related to place-based innovation, focusing on strengthening local innovation ecosystems across the UK. It examines national and local innovation policies, the varying capacities of different places for innovation, lessons from existing interventions, and international examples. The review aims to inform the design of effective place-based innovation strategies by identifying key challenges and opportunities.

Policymakers and researchers should prioritise developing robust frameworks for measuring the impact of place-based innovation policies, conducting comprehensive case studies across diverse regions, and fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations to address local innovation challenges holistically.

Download the Report - Innovation Evidence Review
Download the policy briefing - Innovation Evidence Review

Please reference this paper as:

Billing, C. (2024). Innovation Evidence Review. The Local Policy Innovation Partnership Hub.

Meet the Author

Dr Chloe Billing

Chloe Billing joined the City-REDI team in November 2016 as a Research Fellow, working on the Urban Living Birmingham Project. 

Chloe's current research explores the routes to developing a regional innovation ecosystem, to better support the transfer of university technologies into key sectors and help grow our local regional economies.

Part of this involves understanding both the challenges that universities are facing with their technology-transfer mechanisms, as well as, the barriers to innovation amongst local firms (such as skills and other productivity constraints).

Chloe is the lead for the innovation theme for the Local Innovation Policy Partnership (LPIP) Hub. 

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