Dr Chloe Billing

Dr Chloe Billing

Business School
Research Fellow, City-REDI

Contact details

Birmingham Business School
University House
Edgbaston Park Road
B15 2TY

Chloe Billings' current research explores the routes to developing a regional innovation ecosystem, to better support the transfer of university technologies into key sectors and help grow our local regional economies.

Part of this involves understanding both the challenges that universities are facing with their technology-transfer mechanisms, as well as, the barriers to innovation amongst local firms (such as skills and other productivity constraints).

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  • PhD 2017, School of Geography, University of Birmingham (ESRC 1+3 PhD Scholarship) Thesis Title: ‘The Competitiveness, Organisation and Governance of the UK Space Sector’
    (Awarded the Annual prize by the Economic Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society, for the best PhD thesis in the field of economic geography submitted at a UK institution during 2016)
  • Postgraduate Certificated in Advanced Research Methods and Skills (Distinction) 2017, University of Birmingham  
  • MSc Resilience & Urban Living (Distinction) 2013, School of Geography, University of Birmingham
  • BA Hons Geography (First Class) 2012, School of Geography, University of Birmingham


Since taking up the post of Research Fellow at City-REDI, Chloe's growing research experience and scholarship has enabled her to build a reputation as an Economic Geography researcher, focusing on firm-level competitiveness, commercialisation, innovation, technology and skills. Chloe has particular expertise and interest in the Space Sector (building on her PhD research) and in regional productivity.

Chloe has both initiated her own research projects and has worked as a member of several project teams with different researchers within and outside City-REDI. She recently led a UK Space Agency Funded project to support the development of an early stage local space cluster in the West Midlands. This was a cross-college project (EPS and COSS), aimed at providing insight into how a West Midlands space cluster could participate in and contribute to a nationally linked network of Space clusters and hubs to benefit the whole of the UK.


Chapter in Edited Volume.

Billing, C. A., & Bryson, J. R. (2018). Services and experiences from space: Satellite-enabled services and manufacturer–operator interdependencies and hybrid products as enablers of growth. In Services, Experiences and Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Refereed articles in international academic journals

Billing, C., McCann, P., & Ortega-Argilés, R. (2019). Interregional inequalities and UK sub-national governance responses to Brexit. Regional Studies, 1-20. (CABS 3*, IF= 3.312).

Billing, C., McCann, P., Ortega-Argilés, R., & Sevinc, D. (2020). UK analysts’ and policy-makers’ perspectives on Brexit: challenges, priorities and opportunities for subnational areas. Regional Studies, 1-12. (CABS 3*, IF= 3.312).

Billing, C. A., & Bryson, J. R. (2019). Heritage and satellite manufacturing: firm-level competitiveness and the management of risk in global production networks. Economic Geography, 95(5), 423-441. (CABS 4*).

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