Information for participants

The Snacktivity study aims to find out if the Snacktivity approach helps people to become more active.

Who can take part in the study?

The Snacktivity Study is aimed at everyone regardless of their age, fitness, ability or disability.

What is Snacktivity

Being physically active reduces the risk of developing illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and can even improve your mood. Snacktivity focuses on encouraging people to do short ‘snacks’ of physical activity throughout the day, lasting between 2-5 minutes. Activity snacks are designed to fit easily into daily life (e.g. using the stairs instead of a lift, taking an extra short walk & leg raises when watching the TV).

What will happen if I agree to take part?

At the start of the study

  • You will be asked to complete two questions about your physical activity to check if you are eligible to take part.
  • If you are eligible, you will be asked to sign an online form to check that you understand and consent to take part. All participants will be posted a wrist monitor to wear for nine days, which will record your movements. You will then be asked to return this in a free postage envelope.
  • You will be asked to complete a short online questionnaire (10 mins) which asks questions such as your age and gender, general health, and any contacts you have had with health services recently. You will also be asked to upload a picture of your weight with you standing on home weighing scales so that we can see if the study changes your weight.
  • We will then allocate you to one of two groups at random (like tossing a coin):

Snacktivity group

This group will be asked to incorporate their choice of activity snacks into the day, given access to a new Snacktivity™ mobile phone app and wear a Fitbit watch for twelve months to help track your physical activity and support you with Snacktivity™.

Comparison group:

This group will receive some educational information about how to increase your physical activity.

The study will recruit participants from two different settings; the NHS and the wider community (e.g. social media and community events).


If you are recruited via an NHS Trust/setting and have an appointment e.g. GP practice

  • At your next appointment, the health professional will allocate extra time to discuss the Snacktivity™ study and ways you could increase your physical activity. With your consent, the health professional may audio record your conversation about physical activity (optional).

If you are recruited via a non-NHS setting e.g. social media, a community support group

  • A researcher will call you to discuss how you could increase your physical activity. With your permission, the researcher may audio record your conversation.

After three months

Everyone will be sent a wrist monitor in the post to wear for nine days to record your physical activity movements again. You will be asked to complete the short online questionnaire again. This includes uploading a picture of your current weight on home scales.

After twelve months (end of the study)

Everyone will be sent a wrist monitor in the post to wear for nine days which will record your physical activity movements for the final time. You will also be asked to complete a short questionnaire for the final time. This includes uploading a picture of your current weight on home scales.

How long will the study take?

You will be involved in the study for around 12 months.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

We hope the study will help you to be more physically active and it may improve your health. You will receive 2 x £20 shopping vouchers in total (£20 when you complete the three month follow-up and £20 when you complete the twelve month follow-up).

If you are in the Snacktivity™ group you will be given to keep a Fitbit watch and access to a Snacktivity™ mobile phone app that helps you monitor your Snacktivity™/physical activity.

By agreeing to participate you will provide researchers with important information that may help others to become more physically active to improve their health. We will also be checking to see whether participation in the study helps to reduce costs for the NHS.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

We do not expect any risks or disadvantages from taking part in this study.

How do I take part?

If you are interested in taking part in the study you can complete the eligibility screening form online [insert link] or complete and return the paper forms (if you were sent them) to the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit using the freepost envelope provided or contact the research team

What if I do not want to take part?

It is entirely up to you to decide if you want to take part. However, if you do take part, you are free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason and it will not affect your medical care in any way.

Who is organising and funding the research?

The study was developed by Loughborough University (LU), with the Universities of Birmingham (UoB), Leicester (UoL), Edinburgh and East Anglia. The study is sponsored by Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and coordinated by the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit.The research is funded by the National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (Department of Health and Social Care).

Who has reviewed the study?

All research in the NHS is looked at by an independent group of people, called a Research Ethics Committee to protect your interests. This study has been reviewed and given a favourable opinion by London - Surrey Research Ethics Committee [24/LO/0186]

Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

If you decide to take part in this study, all information collected about you will be kept strictly confidential. It will be securely handled and stored at the UoB, LU and UoL in accordance with your consent and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With your permission, and where relevant to your involvement in the study, your data may be looked at by University researchers, the study Sponsor or the regulatory authorities. Your GP/health professional will be informed of your participation in the study.