Snacktivity - A new approach to getting and staying active

snacktivity logoWe are inviting you to take part in a research study called Snacktivity. Snacktivity is testing a novel approach aimed at helping people to become more physically active and to reduce the amount of time spent sitting each day.

Guidance states that over a week, adults should achieve at least 150 minutes of at least moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity, and this is typically promoted as five sessions of at least 30 mins of physical activity per week. Achieving this guidance however means the public need to make large changes to their lives and many people do not achieve this amount of physical activity each week. It is also important to keep our muscles and bones strong. An alternative ‘whole day’ approach that could help people to be more physically active is a concept we have called ‘Snacktivity’. Rather than focusing on encouraging 150 minutes per week of physical activity, ‘Snacktivity’ focuses on promoting small, but frequent, activity snacks throughout each day. A physical activity ‘snack’ typically lasts between 2-5-mins, e.g., walk-talk conversations, walking coffee breaks, using stairs not the lift, calf raises while brushing your teeth and squats while waiting for the kettle to boil. Snacktivity may also help to reduce the amount of time spent sitting each day.

Please read the participant information sheets and watch the below video which will tell you the purpose of the study, what the study involves if you take part and provides information about how the study will be conducted. 

Snacktivity Study - Information for participants

Interested in taking part in the Snacktivity Study?

To see if you are eligible to take part in the study please complete the eligibility form by clicking here

You will be directed to the Snacktivity study eligibility form where you will be asked some questions about your current physical activity habits which will determine if you are able to take part in the study or not.

If you would like some further information about the study before deciding if you would like to take part, please read the 'information for participants section' or contact the study team at the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit:

Thank you for your interest in the Snacktivity study.