In all cases, other related costs, principally the hosting data centre costs (facility costs, racks, power distribution and management, energy, cooling and physical security) as well as systems administration are all funded by the centre through IT Services for requirements up to 100TBs (as is the supporting network).
Note, these are all ‘one off’ charges and no refunds will be given for instance, for shorter term usage.
For projects that are VAT exempt, typically prices will be reduced by the applicable rate though there are some exceptions e.g. where funder policies necessitate a different approach to pricing.
Suggested Summary Wording for inclusion in Grant Applications where Storage Requirements Exceed the Default Provision
The project requires n TBs of Working Storage over a period of x years. The University of Birmingham will provide 5TBs of storage and back up. For the remaining (n-5) TBs, there will be a cost of £y for the full term of this project.
Data Archiving for the associated open data/open research will cost £w for v TBs over and above the base provision of 1 TB for 10 years, funded by the University.
Mid-life archiving will cost £40 for z TBs for up to 10 years.
End of project archiving for other valuable research data generated by the project is provided for 10 years by the University at no additional charge.