
This page offers further information for parents, researchers and schools, and some of the resources provided within the Waves study. Please click on the information below to access the documents you are interested in.

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Thank you for taking part in the WAVES study. Here are some documents that school staff might wish to refer to -

Information Sheet

Map of schools:



Green - Wave 1 schools

Red - Wave 2 schools


Your child’s school is taking part in the WAVES study. Here are some useful documents for parents who have children taking part in the WAVES study -

Information Sheet

Summary Information Leaflet


WAVES is a cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of an obesity prevention intervention targeting primary school aged children. 54 schools across the West Midlands are participating in the trial, which is funded by the National Institute for Health Research. The trial started in November 2010 and will continue for 5 years