This training session is applicable to staff involved in the handling, processing, receipt, storage or analysis of human biomaterial that is defined as ‘Relevant Material’ by the Human Tissue Act. The session will provide an introduction to the Human Tissue Act and an overview of the UoB Clinical Research in the Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) applicable to working with human biomaterial. In the session we will discuss the required laboratory and sample management processes.
This session is aimed at those working on clinical studies rather than trials. Staff working with clinical trial samples, please attended the Clinical Research in a University of Birmingham Laboratory training session. Please note, due to overlap in content you do not need to attend both training sessions.
Aims and objectives
This training session will provide:
- An introduction to the Human Tissue Act
- An overview of the UoB Clinical Research in the Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) applicable to working with human biomaterial
- Details of the required laboratory and sample management processes
Target audience
This training session is applicable to staff who are working on clinical studies which involve the handling, processing, receipt, storage and/or analysis of human tissue that is defined as ‘Relevant Material’ by the Human Tissue Act.
Why this course?
This training session will cover the content of the relevant SOPs in detail to provide researchers with the tools they need to work to the Human Tissue Standard in the laboratory.
- ‘A really helpful and clearly presented session’
- ‘The course is very well structured and helpful. In particular, I found it very well explained the meaning of relevant material, the law that regulates it and its full pathway: from consent to storage’.
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