Professor Patrick J Geary, Institute for Advanced Study Princeton


Hosted by Professor Subrata Ghosh, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy and Dr Simon Yarrow, School of History and Cultures

April 2017

Patrick Geary’s work extends over a vast range of topics in medieval history, both chronologically and conceptually—from religiosity and social memory to language, ethnicity, social structure, and political organization. Many of his essays and books remain standard literature in the field and have been translated into multiple languages. He has directed the St. Gall Plan Project, an Internet-based initiative funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that provides tools for the study of Carolingian monasticism. Currently, Geary is leading a major project that studies the migration of European societies north and south of the Alps through the analysis of ancient DNA in Longobard cemeteries in Hungary and in Italy.


If you would like full details of the plans for Professor Geary’s fellowship or would like to meet with him during his visit as an Institute of Advanced Studies Distinguished Visiting Fellow, please contact Sue Gilligan