Hosted by Professor Mel Calvert, Institute of Applied Health Research
November 2017
Ethan Basch MD is Professor of Medicine and Public Health at the University of North Carolina and a medical oncologist. He has over 200 peer- reviewed publications in high impact international medical journals and is an Associate Editor for The Journal of the American Medical Association. His research expertise is focused around patient-reported outcomes (PROs), drug regulatory policy, and comparative effectiveness research. Professor Basch is a federally appointed member of the Methodology Committee of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Co-Chair of the Health Outcomes Committee of the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology and a member of the Board of Scientific Advisors of the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) as well as being study chair for multiple trials employing PROs.
Of particular relevance to Professor Calvert’s work in our Centre for Patient Reported Outcome Research (CPROR) is his cutting-edge research leading an NCI initiative to develop a patient-reported adverse event monitoring system for use in clinical research (the “PRO-CTCAE”). Ethan’s world –leading research has been published in NEJM and JAMA and presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
If you would like full details of the plans for Professor Basch’s fellowship or would like to meet with him during his visit as an Institute of Advanced Studies Distinguished Visiting Fellow, please contact Sue Gilligan.