21 March, Thursday 13:00 – 15:00
Location: OLD GYM LG10
Also, via zoom: https://bham-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/82555811996 (Meeting ID: 825 5581 1996)
13:00 – 13:50
Round table – Bringing ageing into the Sustainability and wellbeing debates
Panellists: Dr Katia Attuyer, Dr Rosie Day, Dr Irina Kuznetsova (GEES, University of Birmingham), Tess Osborne (University of Leicester)
Moderator: Dr Julian Clark (GEES)
The ageing theme cuts across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including good health, gender equality, poverty eradication, and sustainable cities. The round table offers a space for a conversation between representatives of different disciplines to highlight the current research on well-being, ageing and sustainability.
It is well known that some groups of older adults disproportionally face challenges such as accessing basic services and social support. Notably, the impact of urban well-being, such as accessible transport, access to the health infrastructures, urban greenery, clear air zones, and spaces for physical exercise and leisure on well-being amongst forcibly displaced older adults has received scant attention (Fleury-Bahi et al. 2022). However, older adults’ agency and their role as active community members and caregivers is significant.
The panellists will provide brief academic interventions before opening a floor for a general discussion: Katia Attuyer will touch on her study of ageing in place and urban regeneration, Rosie Day will rise a question regarding the environmental justice in relation to older adults, Irina Kuznetsova will focus on the experiences of older displaced people, while Tess Osborn will share her studies on older adult’s capability to be mobile for their well-being.
The round table is organised by the Cities, Regions and Mobility Research subtheme of the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham.
The round table offers (but is not limited to) the following questions for the discussion.
- How could the built environment contribute to age-friendly cities?
- How could urban regeneration policies and practices involve older adults’ perspectives?
- How could intersectionality and diversity be better considered planning age-friendly cities?
- What is a role of mobility in well-being of older adults and what are the prospects in creating enabling environment for mobility?
14.00 – 14.50
Rose Gilroy
Professor of Ageing Planning and Policy, Chair of Future Homes Alliance, Chair of Newcastle Age Friendly City, School of Architecture Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University
Living environments in later life: Where is the agency of older people?
This presentation is an early exploration of some ongoing work that takes a housing lens to explore the role of agency in later life. As so many tranches of research have stated home is of critical importance throughout our life and with the shrinking of life worlds in later life stages, home may become the main arena for everyday life. Researchers who have considered the baby boomer cohort have asserted that one of the major characteristics is the demand for agency- to make choices and to have voice in shaping the aspects, including the places, of their life.
Since the development of the age-friendly movement by World Health Organization in 2007, housing has been one of the most significant issues that local groups have tackled in their journey towards becoming and “age friendly city or community (AFCC)”. However, to what extent have older voices influenced such initiatives. The hypothesis is that AFCC offers a potential platform or interface between visions of “active ageing” and experiences and representations of ageing and housing. The focus of this paper is on the power of older voices in such deliberations. How far are they taking part in new housing projects on housing within AFCC? Are they active stakeholders, even leaders or silent followers? Are their voices inputted directly or are they filtered. We might consider that for older voices to be heard there needs to be not only local opportunities through AFCC, but also new processes from historically committed stakeholders.
If you have any questions regarding the mini-forum, please e-mail Dr Irina Kuznetsova.