Postdoctoral Researchers


James Brean

James Brean

Postdoctoral researcher in Environmental Health

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

James is an environmental physical chemist. His research focuses on the nucleation of gases in the atmosphere into nanometre-sized particles, which he studies via mass spectrometry in both pristine polar regions, and polluted urban centers. 



Dr Swaroop Chakraborty

Dr Swaroop Chakraborty

Research Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Chakraborty, an interdisciplinary researcher with a vibrant academic trajectory, completed his doctorate in Bioengineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, India, in 2021. Dr. Chakraborty has been a member of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Biology since 2023, achieving the prestigious titles of Chartered Scientist and Chartered Chemist. His enthusiasm for ...


Arijeet Dutta

Arijeet Dutta

Research Fellow

Dr Arijeet Dutta is a postdoc in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. He is working in the NERC funded BRIDGE project lead by Dr Ruth Geen, which aims to understand the dynamics of regional monsoons. Arijeet’s broad research interests include general circulation of atmosphere, atmospheric teleconnection and low-frequency climate variability.


Dr Tom Faherty

Dr Tom Faherty

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Tom Faherty is currently a post-doctoral researcher within the school of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. His research is dedicated to exploring the impact of common air pollutants on various aspects of cognitive function throughout the lifespan, particularly focusing on the effects of short-term exposure episodes and cognitive dysfunction. Having ...


Hassan Khalid Ageel

Hassan Khalid Ageel

Research Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Hassan Ageel has 10 years of experience in different Environmental fields, such as Environmental Inspection, Marine Environments, and Environmental Management, in many sectors in Saudi Arabia. To date, he also has three years of Academic experience in the field of microplastics, within indoor air environments.

+44 7723 674194

Dr Sophie Mills

Dr Sophie Mills

Post-doctoral Researcher

Dr Sophie Mills is the lead post-doctoral researcher on the AIPS (Artificial Intelligence for Pollen & Spore Detection, Forecasting and Human Health) collaborative project between Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester, the UKHSA, the Environment Agency and the Met Office. Her research employs AI techniques to develop novel solutions for the monitoring of bioaerosols, including the use of low-cost ...


Dr Chee Yap Chung

Dr Chee Yap Chung

Research Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Chee Yap Chung is an ambitious and enthusiastic research fellow at the University of Birmingham, specialising in environmental health, air quality, and climate change. Chee Yap is dedicated to advancing knowledge in these areas through his innovative research and collaboration, aiming to improve public health and mitigate climate change impacts.
