
HWB NMR logo

We offer four ways to use our services, including "expert" and "non-expert" modes, and hands-on access to the UK's only 900 MHz & 1.0 GHz cryoprobe-equipped spectrometers.

1. Spectrometer Time we provide you with hands-on spectrometer access to our systems; this level is ideal for expert NMR users. We offer spectrometer optimisation and support with pulse program implementation, and will support you in developing bespoke NMR experiments that meet your needs. Remote access is available for your convenience, following best-practice protocols.

2. Targeting New Communities this level of support is helpful for non-expert academic groups looking to build a complementary NMR component to their research. Together, we design a bespoke program of support based on your needs, guiding you through the process, from deciding on technique suitability, to assisting with planning and execution of sample preparation, training and support for NMR data acquisition and analysis, and guidance with molecular modelling.

3. Contract Research we help to prepare your samples, collect and process the NMR data, and help analyse the results; this level is suited to organisations and companies wishing to out-source their NMR research and development work.

4. Partnership for companies wishing to demonstrate new NMR technologies or products or to develop new NMR applications and markets.

The user policies and fees are based on consultation with the users, university and funders.

Benefits of access include:

  • personal consultation and training according to “expert user” and “non-expert user” modes.
  • on-line scheduling to reserve time on spectrometers on an hourly or daily basis from your computer
  • remote access to control NMR acquisitions (subject to agreement)
  • advanced software for automated assignment, structure determination and molecular graphics, modelling and dynamics simulation
  • personal computer account on networked workstations, terabyte RAID server, 1000 node cluster, weekly data backup to tape, all secured by hardwire firewall and linked by a gigabit ethernet
  • dedicated wet-lab for NMR sample preparation stocked with consumables, centrifuges, pH meter, refrigerators, freezers, multi-tube cleaner, dryer and fume hood
  • advice and protocols for protein expression, RNA transcription and protein/RNA purification in your home laboratory. Alternatively, users can access state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in sample preparation and optimisation for structural studies at an extra charge.
  • support with preparation and short-term storage of metabolomics samples including cell extracts, biofluids and tissue samples.


We welcome new users to submit NMR samples or ask about services or collaborative opportunities.

Photo of syringe-like apparatus