
The standard academic fees for accessing our NMR systems are available on request.

Access fees

70% of the available 800, 900 & 1000 MHz NMR time is provided on an open access, chargeable basis to UK-based academic users. Please contact us for current standard academic rates.


  1. Dedicated technical assistance with NMR data processing, spectral analysis or sample preparation is available, as is collaborative support.
  2. User training courses are offered at no charge.
  3. Software for NMR data analysis is available, as is computer disk space from Mark Jeeves.


HWB•NMR was principally established to support peer-reviewed academic research through generous funding from the Wellcome Trust, HEFCE and University of Birmingham. Additional equipment was purchased through awards from Advantage West Midlands, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, BBSRC, Cancer Research UK, EPSRC/UKRI, European Commission, NERC, and Wellcome Trust, and through partnerships with Bruker, Oxford Instruments and Varian Inc.

Full economic costs (fEC)

The full cost of running a spectrometer at HWB•NMR covers the cryogens and other consumables, service contracts and repairs, NMR staff time dedicated to running the facility, building charges and depreciation of some equipment.

Standard Academic Rates

Academic users are expected to contribute to some of the critical costs associated with operating the facility. However, it should be understood that the academic access fees cover only a fraction of the total costs of operation.

Special rates

The Wellcome Trust is providing academic users in the UK with free access to 70% of the available 800, 900 & 1000 MHz NMR system time for internationally competitive research through a Biomedical Resource Award until Sept 2024.  Collaborative rates are also available through the University of Birmingham (please enquire for details).

Any concerns or questions should be directed to HWB•NMR staff members, including Teresa Carlomagno and Sara Whittaker, or if necessary users can contact the HWB•NMR Financial Management Group.