Sustainability Policy and Strategy

The University of Birmingham has specific commitments and targets in sustainable development across our departments. Discover our progress and policies here.

Professor David Hannah

Professor David Hannah

Director of Birmingham Institute for Sustainability & Climate Action

“Our ambitions, set out in the Sustainability pillar of our Strategic Framework 2030 demonstrated that sustainability isn’t an added extra: it is fundamental to everything that we do. I am excited to be leading this pillar, bringing together the strength of our research, educating the next generation of problem solvers, and striving to always be a more responsible business.”

The University of Birmingham has, from its inception, been committed to improving the lives of people locally and internationally, through high quality teaching and ground-breaking research. We also recognise that we have a key role to play in addressing the environmental and social challenges that impact the lives of our global community.

Having a sustainable approach is enshrined in our Strategic Framework as one of our key priorities for the next 10 years (up to 2030). This means that every part of our institution, from the research we undertake and our on-campus practices to how we educate our students, will embed a holistic sustainability approach.

Our full policies, strategies, and reports

Sustainability Policy 2023

Sustainability Strategic Framework Pillar

Staff and Student Engagement Strategy 2023 - PDF and Word version

Biodiversity Plan 2024 - PDF and Word version 


Sustainable Travel Action Plan 2023 - PDF and Word version


Sustainable Procurement Policy 2023 PDF and Word version

Responsible Procurement Policy: General 2020

Responsible Procurement Policy: Food 2019


Food, Beverage & Retail Sustainability Road Map 2023

Catering Charter 2020

Sustainable Food Procurement Policy 2019


Responsible Investment Policy 2024 (Word - 71KB)

Staff Expenses Policy 2020


Carbon Accounting Report 2023/24  (subject to data validation, to be published imminently)

Carbon Accounting Report 2022/23 (subject to data validation, to be published imminently)

Carbon Accounting Report 2021/22  PDF and Word version 

Carbon Accounting Report 2020/21 PDF and Word version

Carbon Management Plan 2023 - PDF and Word version

Carbon Management Plan 2024 - PDF and Word Version 

Carbon Management Plan 2014

Sustainability Governance

The University of Birmingham has included sustainability as the sixth ‘Pillar’ of the 2030 Strategic Framework. The prioritisation and delivery of these projects is facilitated by our Head of Sustainability and the Institutional Lead on Sustainability. Both have the position and expertise that make them perfectly placed to lead on achieving our ambitions as a University.

The Head of Sustainability and Institutional Lead are supported in these ambitions by a Sustainability Steering Group (SSG). This group meets bimonthly, with senior representatives from across the University, including Campus Services, Estates (including a Decarbonisation Lead), The Guild of Students, Research, and Communications. SSG reports to the Sustainability Oversight Board (SOB), which meets biannually and is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, Adam Tickell.

To drive our vision on sustainability, we not only have academics across the institution delivering pioneering research and teaching our next generation of changemakers, but also a well-connected network of sustainability professionals throughout the operational areas of the University. See our Sustainable Operations page for more information on the work we are doing on our campus and beyond.


Have you visited our Sustainable Operations page? This includes information on the work we are doing on campus and beyond. If you still have any questions or would like to get in touch, please email us at Alternatively, Staff and Students can use our internal communications guide.

There are opportunities to get involved in sustainability initiatives at the University of Birmingham whether you are a student, member of staff, or a member of the public. Visit our Get Involved page for information on joining these initiatives and networks.

Taking responsibility

We have set clear targets for what we need to do as a global civic institution to tackle the climate crisis. It is important, however, for external bodies to assess our targets and our effectiveness at achieving them to make sure we are committed to our promises. There is more information on this on our Sustainability and Social Responsibility Homepage.