Codes of Practice

Freedom of Speech Code of Practice

The Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech sets out the principles and procedures to be followed to ensure we comply with our duties to promote freedom of speech.

CCTV Code of Practice

Closed Circuit Television operates in many parts of the University’s campus and is used to support the work carried out by its Security Staff. The central systems are monitored from a dedicated control room.
Additional systems are installed within other departments and buildings on the campus.

The CCTV systems have been installed with the aim of protecting the public environment and reducing the fear of crime.

All CCTV processing, by the University of Birmingham, is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. To view the University’s Operation Policy for CCTV, CCTV Code of Practice (PDF - 27KB).

Code of Practice on the Admission of Students

This document sets out the University’s Code of Practice on the Admission of Students to both undergraduate and postgraduate (taught and research) programmes. It provides information on the authority and responsibilities of those involved in the process (both University employees and applicants) and outlines how any disputes will be resolved. The Code of Practice on the Admission of the Students can be seen on the Code of Practice, Policies and Guidance Intranet page (first select the appropriate cohort legislation page from the menu on the right, the Code of Practice on the Admission of Students can then be found under the "Admissions & Alternative Modes of Delivery" heading). 

General Conditions of Use of Computing and Network Facilities

The General Conditions of Use apply to all computer users and to all computer equipment within or operated by the University. All staff, students and any third parties who have been granted access to University computing facilities or data are required to abide by these conditions. See the General Conditions of Use of Computing and Network Facilities (PDF - 287KB).