Child Protection

Large numbers of children do come into contact with the University and its staff in various circumstances and accordingly we need to be familiar with matters of child protection.

Incidents involving issues of child protection are fortunately extremely rare but are inevitably unpleasant and distressing for those involved and so it is important that the University has procedures in place to deal with such incidents appropriately should they arise.

Like many other HEIs, the University has been considering this issue, seeking to take action that is robust but also proportionate and workable. The University has sought to address many of the issues that can arise by developing a Safeguarding Policy (PDF - 336KB).

If you have a general query concerning child protection matters, please contact:

Legal Services
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 3916

In case of emergency please contact Legal Services on +44 (0)121 414 3916.