I am currently a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the Centre for Human Brain Health. My research focuses on how the human brain can form memories that last a lifetime, and how we may be able to use this knowledge to enhance our ability to remember past events later down the line. Prior to taking up my fellowship at the University of Birmingham, I worked on similar topics as a post-doctoral researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany, and as a PhD student within the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham.
What is your role as a ECDN Rep and how can postdocs in your school contact you?
As a ECDN representative, I take on several roles such as promoting of upcoming ECDN events to postdocs/early career researchers within the School of Psychology, and engaging with postdocs/early career researchers to find out what ECDN can do to enhance career trajectories. Feel free to get in touch via email (b.griffiths.1@bham.ac.uk). I’m always happy to help in any way I can.
What do you feel are the benefits of the ECDN programme for postdocs and what do you feel have been the benefits to you from being a postdoc rep?
ECDN provides a wide range of opportunities for postdocs/early career researchers to develop their careers, including local conferences, mentorship, and funding opportunities. More informally, ECDN events also provide the joyous experience of meeting other like-minded individuals from other fields and integrating with the wonderful research community at the University of Birmingham.