Dr Sarah Lee

PERCAT Rep for the School of Biosciences and the BBSRC Bioscience Skills and Careers Postdoctoral Researcher Subgroup (BSCPRG) 

What is your academic background and your current research field?

I am currently postdoc in Professor Tim Dafforns Group, School of Biosciences. My background is in Biochemistry and Biophysics and I currently work on the structure and function of a variety of membrane proteins. I have been supported by BBSRC grants throughout my postdoc career at a number of Russell group Universities. Initially working in the NHS, and in industry, I came late to the postdoc role at the age of 41.

What is your role as a PERCAT Rep?

I believe that postdocs should be informed and have access to continuing professional development (CPD) that enables them to reach their full potential and maintain full employment. To this end in 2017, I applied and was selected to sit on Bioscience Skills and Careers Postdoctoral Researcher Subgroup (BSCPRG) a national committee composed of eight postdocs drawn from across the UK.


What do you feel are the benefits of the PERCAT programme for postdocs and what do you feel have been the benefits to you from being a postdoc rep?

PERCAT runs courses and events which cover all aspects of the postdoc role in colleges of EPS and LES. As a member of this committee I have a certain influence to steer the direction of the programme of events covered. In addition my role on the BBSRC BSCPRG allows a two way dialogue to a national funding body on any CPD issue, which can also be discussed at PERCAT meetings. If you have any CPD suggestions I am happy to raise this at PERCAT committee or indeed with the BBSRC. Therefore I have developed expertise in aspects of postdoc CDP which allows me to contribute to PERCAT as a representative.