Engineering Taster Day - Year 12 students

Our Engineering Taster Day is designed for Year 12 students who are thinking of applying to university to study Engineering.

Date: Wednesday 26th June 2024.

Location: Old Engineering Building / Mechanical Engineering Building (Y3 on campus map).

Time: 09:45-15:45 with arrivals and registration from 09:15. 

Registration of interest for this event has now closed. Students will be notified via email by Friday 3rd May if they have got a place or not. If they are offered a place, I will need a signed form from them and their teacher letting me know that it is okay for the student to be out of school/college for the day to attend the event. 

Please note that students must register themselves individually; teachers cannot register as a school or for students. Please also note that places are limited and will be given out on a first come, first served basis. 

About Engineering Taster Day

Our Engineering Taster Day provides Year 12 students with the opportunity to explore various engineering disciplines through interactive workshops and interactions with current students and staff. Attendance is strongly encouraged for students currently studying A Level Mathematics who are actively considering pursuing Engineering at university level.

For more information, please email our Outreach Officer, Maisha Khatun.

Read our Data Protection Policy and outreach privacy notice.