Engineers Without Borders aim to inspire, enable and influence the engineering community to serve all people and the planet better than ever before.
Engineers Without Borders University of Birmingham is the Birmingham chapter of EWB-UK, a national charity that looks to improve the standard of life of everyone around the world through science, technology and engineering. We are one of the 30+ branches in the UK.
Throughout the year we run outreach events in local schools, delivering workshops focusing on how engineers provide water and power across the world and teaching school pupils about the world of engineering. We’ve also got some great events coming up! We’re hoping to have guest speakers and host our Designathon event, which gives you the ability to collaborate in an interdisciplinary team on an engineering challenge.
What we offer
- Hands-on workshops
- Outreach events in local schools
- Thought provoking talks/debates
- Trips outside of Birmingham
- Boosting your own skills, meeting people and enhancing your CV
- Socials and having fun!
Who Should Join
You don’t have to be an engineer to join us. If you are interested in engineering, international development, technology or just want to try something new, Engineers Without Borders is for you. Our meetings are likely to be virtual for the foreseeable future so everyone can attend, no matter if you’re on campus or not.
We’re free to join and are always looking for new members, new ideas and new activities so get involved! Simply head to the guild of students to join us.
Find out more on our website or email us You can also follow us on social media: on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
EPS Societies' Awards won:
- Creative and Exception Event Award 2014
- Circles of Influence Endeavour Award 2015, David Streather
- Outreach Award 2019, Jack Malcolmson

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