Dr Steph Haydon MA, MRes

Stephanie Haywood

School of Social Policy and Society
Research Fellow

Contact details

Third Sector Research Centre
Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Steph Haydon is a Research Fellow in charity and philanthropy. She specialises in qualitative research, including interviews and archival research.


  • PhD in Management Studies, University of St Andrews, 2021
  • MRes in Management Studies, University of St Andrews, 2017
  • MA in Management, University of St Andrews, 2016


Steph Haydon is a Research Fellow with the Third Sector Research Centre in the School of Social Policy. She is part of a research team exploring the role of charity and voluntarism in Britain’s health sector since the NHS was established in 1948. This is a multi-institutional, collaborative research project funded by a £1.4 million grant from the Wellcome Trust.

Prior to joining the University of Birmingham, Steph completed her PhD at the University of St Andrews. Her PhD project examined philanthrocapitalism – the application of business- and market- based actors, methods, and motives to philanthropy. At St Andrews, Steph also worked as a Research Assistant at the Centre for the Study of Philanthropy & Public Good.

Steph has taught on a range of Management modules including enterprise and creativity, marketing, and the analysis of financial data. She has delivered seminars and lectures on philanthropy including the role of philanthropy in the global health agenda, the marketisation of philanthropy, and different theorisations of philanthropy.


Research interests

  • Philanthropy, particularly by high-net-worth-individuals
  • Charity
  • Voluntarism

Current projects

Border Crossings: Charity and voluntarism in Britain’s mixed economy of health care since 1948

Other activities


  • Reviewer for Development and Change Journal – since 2021

Membership and Affiliations

  • ARNOVA: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action – member since 2019
  • ERNOP: European Research Network on Philanthropy – member since 2019
  • The Europaeum – member and Scholars’ Programme alumnus since 2018
  • ISTR: International Society for Third Sector Research – member since 2018
CSPPG: Centre for the Study of Philanthropy & Public Good – member since 2017


Haydon, S., Jung, T., & Russell, S. (2021) “You’ve Been Framed”: A critical review of academic discourse on philanthrocapitalism, International Journal of Management Reviews, 23(3): 353-375.

Haydon, S. (2021) Book Review: ‘The business of changing the world’ and ‘The enlightened capitalists’, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Available online

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