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Lewis, L, Spandler, H, Tew, J and Ecclestone, K (2016), Mutuality, wellbeing and mental health recovery: Exploring creative arts adult community learning and participatory arts initiatives. Final Research Report. AHRC
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Hamilton, S, Tew, J, Szymczynska, P et al (2015) Power, choice and control: how do personal budgets affect the experiences of people with mental health problems and their relationships with social workers and other practitioners? British Journal of Social Work DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcv023
Larsen, J, Tew, J Hamilton, S et al (2015) Outcomes from personal budgets in mental health: service users’ experiences in 3 English local authorities. Journal of Mental Health DOI:10.3109/09638237.2015.1036971
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Tew, J, Larsen, J, Hamilton, S et al (2015) ‘And the stuff that I'm able to achieve now is really amazing’: the potential of personal budgets as a mechanism for supporting recovery in mental health. British Journal of Social Work 45 S1 i79-i97
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