The goal of this workstream is to provide an evidence base for core interventions across Women’s Centres which will enable understanding of which interventions work and for whom.
As a number of Centres have adopted the WRNA to collect data as normal working practice, this offers the opportunity to measure outcomes for specific programmes/interventions within the Centres by using these standardised and validated measures via the WRNA. The research team will examine the trauma interventions and pathways which are currently offered across the Centres and carry out an observational study of Centres with specific trauma pathways, compared to a Centre with no specific trauma pathway, using propensity score matching. As well as comparing short and long term psychological outcomes, we will examine whether these courses reduce 12 month recidivism and whether they attend follow-on mental health support within the NHS. Further, we would like to get the qualitative views of women attending these Women’s Centre trauma pathways.
In combination with the Casework study in workstream 3, the intention is to offer a robust evidence base to policymakers for the core services and interventions that are offered by Women’s Centres.