Dr Denise Ruprai

Dr Denise Ruprai

School of Social Policy and Society
Research Fellow

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT

Denise Ruprai is a Research Fellow on the Women's Risk Need Assessment (WRNA) project, investigating Trauma and Health in justice involved women, with multiple complex needs, such as substance misuse and mental health difficulties. She has with extensive knowledge of neuropsychology - imaging, anatomy, psychiatry - and trauma related research, along with versatile experience in complex data analysis and statistics.


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Neuropsychology and Neuroimaging, Birmingham University, Birmingham, England
  • Master of Research in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation, Birmingham University, Birmingham, England
  • Bachelor of Science in Human Psychology, Aston University, Birmingham, England
  • Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) and Associate Fellow (AFBPsS) of the British Psychological Society, (BPS_487299)
  • Accredited Researcher with the UK Statistics Authority (38381) - accredited to access data available for research under the SRSA (2007), DEA (2017), UKSA and ONS.


Dr. Ruprai is a Research Fellow on the Women's Risk Need Assessment (WRNA) project, investigating Trauma and Health in justice involved women, with multiple complex needs, such as substance misuse and mental health difficulties. She is currently tasked with creating a new training program for the Women's Risk Need Assessment, research into complex post-traumatic stress (cPTSD) and adverse childhood experience (ACE) research (creating an assessment to predict and prevent ill health and adverse life outcomes).

Research Interests:

Personal Research interests include neuropsychiatry, in particular complex Trauma, Psychosis and Personality Disorders. Neuroplasticity (impact on adverse childhood experience on brain functioning) and Neuroanatomy.

Other activities

Registered Graduate Member, British Psychological Society (MBPsS), Membership Number BPS_487299

Associate Member, British Neuropsychological Society (BNS), Membership Number BNS_662

Mental Health First Aider (registered 2021-2024)