Research: Jewish and holocaust studies specialism

Birmingham is is one of the most racially, culturally and religiously diverse communities in the UK (including the local Jewish community) - and with the excellent relationships we have with many of the city’s faith communities, you will gain a first-hand insight into many significant religious traditions.









We host the annual Rabbi Leonard Tann Memorial Lecture, which in the past has been delivered by Professor Michael E. Stone (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2009), Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks (2010), Professor Amy-Jill Levine (Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, 2011), Professor Gary Rendsburgh (Rutgers University, New Jersey, 2012), Professor Martin Goodman (University of Oxford, 2013), and most recently by Professor Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar (KU Leuven).

  • Watch the 2018 Rabbi Tann Memorial Lecture by Professor Eibert Tigcheelar, on 'Beautiful Bookhands and Careless Characters: An Alternative Approach to the Dead Sea Scrolls'

Staff with research interests in Jewish and holocaust studies

Professor Charlotte Hempel

Professor Charlotte Hempel

Professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism
Honorary Research Fellow, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria

Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls.

Dr Isabel Wollaston

Dr Isabel Wollaston

Associate Professor in Jewish and Holocaust Studies

Jewish and holocaust studies, contemporary Christian-Jewish relations; Jewish and Christian (post-)holocaust theologies.

Theology and Religion research specialisms