
At Birmingham you will be taught by experts and your lectures will be delivered by an active researcher in the field. However, the learning experience is not just about lectures. Your lectures are supported by tutorials, examples classes, skills development classes, experimental physics, computing laboratories, project work and self-directed learning.


Core Physics

There is a core of physics modules that everyone must study. This covers the fundamentals that every physicist should know. Studying this core will ensure you are prepared for a variety of advanced courses and are employable as a scientist across a range of areas. These core modules initially dominate each of our courses, then decrease each year to give way to more specialised optional modules. Some of these topics include: Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Special Relativity, Electromagnetism, Statistical Physics and Optics.   

Specialised modules

Modules specialised to different areas of physics start to appear in year one and expand in later years, to let you tailor the degree to whichever areas interest you most. It is possible to specialise in one or two areas or keep your options broad. Some options may be restricted, depending on which degree programme you are on, or which previous modules you have chosen. There is plenty of support in planning your route through your degree and to help you decide which modules to pick.


Mathematics is the language of physics, so it is vital you have a good grounding in this area. Mathematics is compulsory in the first two years and is supported by guided study sessions where you will be able to work through problems with teaching assistants.


Programming is a key skill for physicists and learning to code will make you successful in a variety of other fields too. We do not assume you have any prior knowledge of coding and will teach you Python in year 1 and 2, as part of the Physics and Communication Skills module.


Communication skills and problem solving

Physicists are excellent problem-solvers and you will naturally learn how to solve problems through many of your modules and projects. We support this learning through our skills development sessions, where you will practice how to approach problems which do not fit into a single well-defined subject area. These skills ensure you will be highly employable in a variety of fields.

Experimental work

Laboratory work is an integral part of your degree if you are studying a Physics, Physics and Astrophysics or Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology course. You will spend five hours a week in year 1 and eight hours a week in year 2, working in our modern laboratories. Lab work is conducted in pairs and is assessed continuously throughout the term. In later years, the amount of lab work will depend on the exact modules you study and projects you undertake.

Teaching Methods


Much of the content of your course will be delivered in a lecture by an active physics researcher. Lecture material, in the form of notes, slides or recordings are available to you on our online virtual learning environment, allowing you to review the material in your own time and at your own pace. Lecturers are happy to discuss the content of their lectures either at the end of class, in their set office hours, or at any mutually convenient time. Most lecture courses are assessed through a mixture of problem sheets throughout the term and an end-of-module examination.


During year 1 and 2, you will meet once a week with your personal tutor in a group of no more than four students. These hourly tutorials are an excellent opportunity to discuss the content of the previous week’s lectures, practice problems and discuss areas of physics that interest you. Your tutor is your first point of call for any problems you have and they are supported by a wider welfare system.

In year 3, you will still have a personal tutor for pastoral support as needed but, as courses become more specialised, weekly tutorials are not held in this year and you are encouraged to talk to specific lecturers about your modules as needed. In year 4, the project supervisor will take on the role of your personal tutor.

Example classes, guided study and supervisions

Mathematical and skills modules are supported by example classes or guided study. These classes are a chance to work through example problems alone, or in small groups as guided by teaching assistants.


Laboratories are overseen by lecturers and supported by teaching assistants. In experimental laboratories, you will work in pairs and in early years, you are guided by detailed experiment outlines. As the years progress, the lab work becomes more self-guided and open-ended. In computing laboratories, you will work alone to undertake programming tasks related to physics. Experimental and computing labs are continually assessed, as each piece of work is completed. For experimental work, this entails keeping a lab book which is marked each week.

Project work

You will have the opportunity to undertake plenty of project work in your degree. For those who take laboratories, this will be as part of your lab work in the first two years. A project develops a wide range of skills including planning and report writing. Group studies in year three involves a major project, which is undertaken in groups of 10–20 students. The task requires the group to work as a team and enables you to solve a problem of much greater magnitude than could be attempted by an individual. The teamwork skills learnt here are invaluable for success in a future career.

If you study for the MSci Programme, a large part of your time in year 4 will be devoted to an independent research project. As well as learning a great detail about the area of physics you have chosen, you will also learn vital project management and communication skills during this project.