
We have collaboratively worked with colleagues from 97 institutions in 41 countries through our global partnerships. We work with world-leading healthcare professionals across the University of Birmingham and beyond, ensuring that people-centred care services are designed and delivered for all.

 Map of the world highlighting partnership countries in purple


Our key partners

Please note: this list is only a representation of selected key partners and is not an exhaustive list.

North America

  • Johns Hopkins University
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Alberta

South America

  • University of São Paulo
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Linnaeus University
  • University of Copenhagen
  • Tampere University
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • University of Barcelona


  • African Palliative Care Association
  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of Cape Town

Middle East

  • King Hussein Cancer Center
  • Hashemite University
  • Jazan University
  • Sharjah University
  • Khalifa University
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
  • King Abdulaziz University


  • Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
  • University of Hong Kong
  • Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau 


  • University of Melbourne
  • Edith Cowan University
  • La Trobe University
  • The Prince Charles Hospital
  • Flinders University
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Queensland
  • University of Auckland