Our staff

Birmingham Medical School is based within the Institute of Clinical Sciences in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. As such, Birmingham Medical School offers staff with a broad range of expertise and experience to deliver education and research. Our staff are experienced clinicians, researchers and teachers who offer the in depth understanding and breadth of subject areas required for the education of the future of the NHS. 


Professor Gillian Condé

Professor Gillian Condé

Head of Birmingham Medical School
College Lead for Post Graduate Taught Education

Birmingham Medical School

Professor Gillian Condé is the Head of the Birmingham Medical School and a Professor of Medical Education. She manages the team of academics developing and delivering the programmes within the Medical School, and she also has a cross-college role as the College lead for Post Graduate Taught Education.

Professor Chris Tselepis

Professor Chris Tselepis

Director Institute of Clinical Sciences
Interim Director of Education College of Medical and Dental Sciences
Professor of Biomedical Science

Institute of Clinical Sciences

Chris Tselepis is currently Director of Institute of Clinical Sciences, Interim Director of Education for the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, Professor of Biomedical Science and up to quite recently was Head of the School of Biomedical Sciences. Chris is heavily involved in teaching and education whilst also conducting pioneering research in the field of gastrointestinal cancer. Over ...

Professor Kate (Cathryn) Thomas

Professor Kate (Cathryn) Thomas

Dean of Birmingham Medical School & Programme Director MBChB

Birmingham Medical School

Kate Thomas has responsibility for leading a team of academics in developing and managing the MBChB programme. She has extensive experience in Medical Education with a particular interest in helping students to develop their professional identity.  She is an Education Associate of the General Medical Council and was part of the GMC group which wrote the current Outcomes for Graduates.

Dr Rachel Westacott

Dr Rachel Westacott

Clinical Deputy Programme Director

Birmingham Medical School

Rachel Westacott is an Associate Clinical Professor in Medical Education. She has worked in Medical Education since her specialty training in nephrology. She is currently co-ordinating the development of the new curriculum at Birmingham Medical School.


Rachel works for the Medical Schools Council as an academic lead for the Medical Schools Applied Knowledge Test (MS AKT) and ...

Dr Alison Cooper

Dr Alison Cooper

Associate Professor

Institute of Clinical Sciences

Alison Cooper’s current role focusses on education; this includes everything from face to face student contact through to responsibility for Quality Assurance activity across the college. Alison’s main strategic role is at College level, as the Deputy Director of Education (Quality Assurance). This involves oversight of data, compliance processes and monitoring as well as advising on ...

Kate Straughton

Kate Straughton

Associate Professor
Programme Director PGDip & MSc Physician Associate Studies

Birmingham Medical School

Kate Straughton is the Programme Director for the PGDip Physician Associate Studies programme and MSc ‘top-up’ for qualified Physician Associates. Kate has significant experience at representing PAs at national level, finishing her role as President of the Faculty of Physician Associates in 2022, but remaining involved in the FPA Education Committee and as a member of the Physician ...

Birmingham Medical School is one of five schools within the Institute of Clinical Sciences. For all staff, view the Institute of Clinical Sciences staff list.